Good evening, or whatever for whatever time it is where you are!
Sooo I'm just sitting here hanging out waiting for my superlate dinner, I just got back from the gym and a crazy day at work.
I signed up for my gym membership about a month ago now, and I've been doing pretty damn well at keeping up the plan if I must say so myself! Now I'm just working on the eating better, since exercise and a healthy diet go hand in hand and alla that. So steamed vegetables and soy chicken for dinner!
And yes, I know... eating at night blows.
I got into a pretty heated disagreement with one of my good friends last night. It was over a close mutual friend of ours, and her boyfriend she recently broke up with.
In a nutshell, this boyfriend was a complete lying creepy dick to her, they broke up and got back together a handful of times, and then my friend finally grew a set and said enough (which I understand was very hard for her, given they were dating for 3 years).
The friend I 'disagreed' with was encouraging our friend to come and see her ex, because he misses her and she knows "she still loves him too".
Uhhm.. what the fuck??! Who DOES that. Our friend has just stopped her binge drinking and crying every night over this breakup, which is a HUGE step for her, and this girl sends her on a fucking tailspin stressout guiltfuck?
Jesus christ, why are people so ignorant. She gets why it was a balls idea now, though.
Why does love blow so much sometimes? I hate seeing my poor friend hurt.
So that's my rant for the day. How were all of your days?
Nighty night!
PS. Enjoy me dancing with the old man.

Sooo I'm just sitting here hanging out waiting for my superlate dinner, I just got back from the gym and a crazy day at work.
I signed up for my gym membership about a month ago now, and I've been doing pretty damn well at keeping up the plan if I must say so myself! Now I'm just working on the eating better, since exercise and a healthy diet go hand in hand and alla that. So steamed vegetables and soy chicken for dinner!
And yes, I know... eating at night blows.

I got into a pretty heated disagreement with one of my good friends last night. It was over a close mutual friend of ours, and her boyfriend she recently broke up with.
In a nutshell, this boyfriend was a complete lying creepy dick to her, they broke up and got back together a handful of times, and then my friend finally grew a set and said enough (which I understand was very hard for her, given they were dating for 3 years).
The friend I 'disagreed' with was encouraging our friend to come and see her ex, because he misses her and she knows "she still loves him too".
Uhhm.. what the fuck??! Who DOES that. Our friend has just stopped her binge drinking and crying every night over this breakup, which is a HUGE step for her, and this girl sends her on a fucking tailspin stressout guiltfuck?
Jesus christ, why are people so ignorant. She gets why it was a balls idea now, though.
Why does love blow so much sometimes? I hate seeing my poor friend hurt.
So that's my rant for the day. How were all of your days?

Nighty night!
PS. Enjoy me dancing with the old man.

I don't even comment on my friends love lives, That's just looking for trouble. Maybe that's just the male perspective, just stand back and watch. lol.
That's definitely a male thing )in my experience), since my friend asked me for my help. It's not even a love life anymore, considering I said they broke up. I'm there for my friends when they ask me to be, even if it means being a bitch occasionally!