"Why did you decide ceasing to tolerate our lovers was a better course of action than simply taking your own?"
- Girls, Nic Kelman
Life has been pretty good to me since my last entry.
Joe and I moved in together, a month later adopted a cat, four months later adopted a puppy, nine months later the cat decided she had had enough of the puppy and went to live with my stepbrother. We are planning on adopting another dog, a Boston Terrier, once we get our living situation settled.

Gizmo and I, taken last Christmas
Currently we are living in a 4th floor walkup in the Toronto Beaches. The apartment is beautiful, nicely painted from the previous tenant, new moulding, and French doors that separate the kitchen and dining area. Our superintendent is awesome - she is a drunk old lady who adores us. Last weekend she answered her door at 10am with a scotch in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
BUT because it's a nice area and a beautiful apartment the rent is expensive, so we are looking at moving 5 minutes down the road where the rent is 30% cheaper. When this happens we'll be getting another dog, and then I think that's it for dogs / kids / cats for a long time.
Work has been up and down in the last year. We were hit hard with the recession and with internal spending that got out of hand. We seem to have come out of it now, but I watched some really awful things go down that had me quite disenchanted with management. Lately though I have been really content with my job, and the job hunt has halted for the time being. We'll see what the next year brings...
I also joined a gym, for the first time in my life - which is where I am heading now!
- Girls, Nic Kelman
Life has been pretty good to me since my last entry.
Joe and I moved in together, a month later adopted a cat, four months later adopted a puppy, nine months later the cat decided she had had enough of the puppy and went to live with my stepbrother. We are planning on adopting another dog, a Boston Terrier, once we get our living situation settled.

Gizmo and I, taken last Christmas
Currently we are living in a 4th floor walkup in the Toronto Beaches. The apartment is beautiful, nicely painted from the previous tenant, new moulding, and French doors that separate the kitchen and dining area. Our superintendent is awesome - she is a drunk old lady who adores us. Last weekend she answered her door at 10am with a scotch in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
BUT because it's a nice area and a beautiful apartment the rent is expensive, so we are looking at moving 5 minutes down the road where the rent is 30% cheaper. When this happens we'll be getting another dog, and then I think that's it for dogs / kids / cats for a long time.
Work has been up and down in the last year. We were hit hard with the recession and with internal spending that got out of hand. We seem to have come out of it now, but I watched some really awful things go down that had me quite disenchanted with management. Lately though I have been really content with my job, and the job hunt has halted for the time being. We'll see what the next year brings...
I also joined a gym, for the first time in my life - which is where I am heading now!
I love my 3, ive thought about getting a new one, i watch a hatch with a manual though