- Went to Nuit Blanche last night. It was interesting, but way busier than I thought it was going to be. I did a lot of walking. I'm glad I went, but I was also happy to get home and fall into bed.
- Frustrated with certain things job-wise, but I can't control everything, right?
- October is shaping up to be a busy month: jack&jill next weekend, zombie walk the weekend after that, somebody's birthday party sometime in the next few weeks, and then....Halloween! Not sure what is happening there, but I have a costume picked out anyway:

(......except my boobs are nowhere near that big or fake. oh well. there's an easy way to fix that!
- S and I went biking yesterday. My butt hurts now so I bought a cushion for the seat. Next weekend I think we're going biking again, as we only have a few more weeks of appropriate weather. I must say though that I have not felt as good as I did coming off that bike in a long time. We had a nice lunch (ice cream for me) at a waterfront restaurant afterwards and I was really happy.
- I also picked up a bike rack today, and as we were heading east towards whitby one of the bikes started to move around. I pulled over off this side road, we fixed the problem (kinda) and as I was getting back in the car I noticed "white power" spraypainted on the road. Of course we had to see what else was down the road after seeing that. There were about 3 dwellings.....think of the house in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Cujo, all set back in woods, with "beware of dog" and "no trespassing" signs everywhere. Old broken cars, a big rig, trailers....and not a soul in sight. We came to the dead end and there was a mobilease trailer sitting in the middle of the dead end with graffiti written on it. I'm not very well versed in neo-nazi slang unfortunately. It was very....interesting.
- I saw The Kingdom on Friday night, it was excellent. FYI.
See ya,

- Frustrated with certain things job-wise, but I can't control everything, right?
- October is shaping up to be a busy month: jack&jill next weekend, zombie walk the weekend after that, somebody's birthday party sometime in the next few weeks, and then....Halloween! Not sure what is happening there, but I have a costume picked out anyway:

(......except my boobs are nowhere near that big or fake. oh well. there's an easy way to fix that!

- S and I went biking yesterday. My butt hurts now so I bought a cushion for the seat. Next weekend I think we're going biking again, as we only have a few more weeks of appropriate weather. I must say though that I have not felt as good as I did coming off that bike in a long time. We had a nice lunch (ice cream for me) at a waterfront restaurant afterwards and I was really happy.
- I also picked up a bike rack today, and as we were heading east towards whitby one of the bikes started to move around. I pulled over off this side road, we fixed the problem (kinda) and as I was getting back in the car I noticed "white power" spraypainted on the road. Of course we had to see what else was down the road after seeing that. There were about 3 dwellings.....think of the house in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Cujo, all set back in woods, with "beware of dog" and "no trespassing" signs everywhere. Old broken cars, a big rig, trailers....and not a soul in sight. We came to the dead end and there was a mobilease trailer sitting in the middle of the dead end with graffiti written on it. I'm not very well versed in neo-nazi slang unfortunately. It was very....interesting.
- I saw The Kingdom on Friday night, it was excellent. FYI.
See ya,
Wow, that is one kick-ass costume!! 

pretty awesome costume and what sounds like a pretty good month for ya. miss talkin to ya darling