Smarties will be the death of me.
We've hired somebody else in the Marketing department. This is great news as I found out that from here on out I will be managing the seasonal lines myself (except for christmas which is too large a business for any one person to manage), and another person to ease the workload will help tremendously.
Soooo.....let's see this business grow along with my portfolio and I will be a happy girl.
I've also considered taking on a second job, something that interests me as more than just a money SCENE CLEANUP. Seems outlandish I know, but I'm looking into it after reading an article in the paper last week.
Strategically however I would be better off taking on a sales role at work on a small basis, have the incentives and bonuses and make some extra cash while getting my nails deeper into the company.
Ok BORING stuff I know.....
So let me ask you fine folks as I know some of you are fans of the Sopranos.
What do YOU think happened to Tony?
Hi there old friend, I know you are still out there....I see things going on, it is hard not to considering the size of the community we still share (unfortunately for both of us I'm sure). When will you realize that your prior issues with him have only changed hands? Or in this case I suppose, women? Same shit different day. I feel sorry for you, I have from the moment I saw what your issue actually was, not what you had made it out to be.
What's with the name change? Is someone getting married?!