So, go to the dog park, that's fun. Go through the drive-thru for Hardback Coffee Cafe @ Hastings and the chick gets my order wrong AGAIN, but I have no AC and don't feel like waiting 10 minutes for one drink. So Corey no longer wants it. So I have two drinks to myself (yay!) but then I realize the girl also forgot to give me a second straw. So I have to park out front with my dog in the car to run in and get a straw. I come back to him licking the whipped cream out of the drink that was SUPPOSED to be hot. Then I come home and set the drinks on top of the car to let the dog out to have them come toppling down and all over the car and garage floor. So now half of my boxes and crib set are probably ruined since I had to try to hose out the garage. Eff. EM. ELLE.
That sucks
, I'd never go back to that place

It's just the one girl. If I were inside, I'd have known to dumb it down for her, but I couldn't see her while placing my order at the drive through lol