For the ladies (if any read my blog) I have a few questions:
How do you maintain your:
Upkeep (Shaving, waxing, laser hair removal, etc)
Where do you buy your:
Bathing Suits
What's your favorite:
Lipstick? Color?
Eye Shadow
Eye Liner
Product Line
Hope everyone had a great day! All I did was grocery shop!
How do you maintain your:
Upkeep (Shaving, waxing, laser hair removal, etc)
Where do you buy your:
Bathing Suits
What's your favorite:
Lipstick? Color?
Eye Shadow
Eye Liner
Product Line
Hope everyone had a great day! All I did was grocery shop!
-unkeep : sometimes i do spinning and i don't eat mayonnaise (i heard it's "dangerous" for skin but i don't know if it is real lol) I'm going to wax my legs every 3 or 4 months. But usually i use razor every 3 days.
-Underwear/Lingerie : H&M and yamamay (i love also "intimissimi" but it's italian brand , i don't know if they have some stores out of Italy )
-Bathing Suits : Oisho
-Shoes : Random shops on internet
-Lipstick : PUPA Diva's Rouge 07 and 9-Deborah "Atomic Red" 05. The first is wine-red and the second it's a simple red. (But i love the brand MAC
-Eye Shadow : "Carbon" MAC. Just black!
-Eye Liner :Make up forever Acqua liner black 13
-Mascara : i love the one by Benefit! It's called "they're real" And i love tha glitter mascara by Layla cosmetics
-Foudation : i don't use foudation! I just use a bronzing powder by Too faced
-product line : ? L'oreal lol
ps: i read your comment on my blog , thank for accept my friend request! Unfortunately i have some big problems with imageshack...i don't know why :_:
Upkeep: I'm not fit, but need to work on it. I shave once a week, unless I have a good reason to do it. I have very sensitive skin.
Bathing Suits: Don't really buy them, since I'm still out of shape.
Shoes: Wherever has a sale!
Lipstick: Don't wear it, but probably Revlon or a similar brand.
Eye Shadow: Hard Candy's shimmery black eye shadow.
Mascara: Anything waterproof and in black!
Product Line: Anything found in Ulta or Sephora stores
PPS: I hope I can see them soon! What I can see of you, you are gorgeous! :-)