Today I have a ton of consultations... I was lucky and got to see the lovely JuJuBee first thing. And she brought me a gift.. a BIG bag of nerds... I thanked her and said I just don't eat that anymore.. and you know what? it was true.. I wasn't even interested in them.. I am realizing how much my tastes are changing with my new way of eating..
A couple of years ago MorningStar and I went on the South Beach diet. it worked we lost a lot of weight. But I felt deprived and missed bread and pizza and all kinds of stuff... And when it was over the weight went back on and then some... this time we did the hardcore 2 weeks (that made me feel deprived) but instead of being hardcore we have modified it so that it is more a way of eating.. and we have gone to a couple of parties lately and enjoyed ourselves and had some treats. Just smaller amounts than we would have in the past.. Still losing weight but much slower and I just plain feel better.. Funny too that when I do eat pizza or something not quite healthy I feel crappy later and it makes me not want it so much.. Also fruit tastes so sweet to me, I couldn't imagine eating candy..
Guess this is a good change, maybe this year won't be totally crap.
A couple of years ago MorningStar and I went on the South Beach diet. it worked we lost a lot of weight. But I felt deprived and missed bread and pizza and all kinds of stuff... And when it was over the weight went back on and then some... this time we did the hardcore 2 weeks (that made me feel deprived) but instead of being hardcore we have modified it so that it is more a way of eating.. and we have gone to a couple of parties lately and enjoyed ourselves and had some treats. Just smaller amounts than we would have in the past.. Still losing weight but much slower and I just plain feel better.. Funny too that when I do eat pizza or something not quite healthy I feel crappy later and it makes me not want it so much.. Also fruit tastes so sweet to me, I couldn't imagine eating candy..
Guess this is a good change, maybe this year won't be totally crap.
I managed 2 months without any take out,and when i did give in and bought a pizza,i felt so sick and regretted it for days.
It is amazing how good the body feels when you manage to clear all the rubbish out of it.
(we connected up the Wii this past weekend,and you are right,its so much fun)