Tomorrow I turn 40
and for some reason I am looking forward to it. I guess because as my life goes ever year things get better and for 40 I'm not doing too bad. My nipples still point forward, I don't have a ton of wrinkles, I have the love of my life, I love my job and my art is doing quite well. So all and all 40 looks as if things are only going to get better.
I just submitted this for consideration in an art show too. I hope it gets in. It would be a good sign for the new year and my new decade.

and for some reason I am looking forward to it. I guess because as my life goes ever year things get better and for 40 I'm not doing too bad. My nipples still point forward, I don't have a ton of wrinkles, I have the love of my life, I love my job and my art is doing quite well. So all and all 40 looks as if things are only going to get better.
I just submitted this for consideration in an art show too. I hope it gets in. It would be a good sign for the new year and my new decade.

And you B-Day bash was fun! I owe you and your man a big one for bugging me to get out... Just ask him what happened at the end of the night...