the cutest baby in the world picking his nose...
i was sposta go see my sister on my days off, but circumstances prohibit it, hence the pic of my nephew. i miss him
the problem: i have to go to the doctor bout my knee... it gave out, i fell and it's effing killing me! where the hell are the pain killers?!?!!
so i might have to get surgery. well thats what they tell me. i have to go to physical therapy twice a week and it sucks....
on a better note, the sun is out today and my pal is taking me out to luch!
and i got aqua teen season three last night> woot!
knee update*4:50 PM*
ok so i just spent 3 hours at the freakin doctors office! stupid wankers. i have shity health insurance so they're telling me i have to go to this other doctor and that other place and this orthopaedic specialist...
and all they did was tell me i still can't get any pain killers (even tho it's been 2 months and it still hurts!) and all they can do is the therapy and give me a different knee brace, that i had to pay 30 effin dollars for!!!!! so i officially haveosgood sclatters. and if it still hurts next month they said i can get drugs. so i guess nexxt month i'm going back to the doctor...

i was sposta go see my sister on my days off, but circumstances prohibit it, hence the pic of my nephew. i miss him

the problem: i have to go to the doctor bout my knee... it gave out, i fell and it's effing killing me! where the hell are the pain killers?!?!!

on a better note, the sun is out today and my pal is taking me out to luch!

and i got aqua teen season three last night> woot!

knee update*4:50 PM*
ok so i just spent 3 hours at the freakin doctors office! stupid wankers. i have shity health insurance so they're telling me i have to go to this other doctor and that other place and this orthopaedic specialist...

sorry bout your knee. constant pain is the worst kind. since we live so close u should come to the CDA tea house on weds if your not doing anything. i'm throwing a pre-party there at 8. here is the party info i posted. its just gonna be a chill night so if u want to bring some friends and meet ppl that would be cool.

aww sorry about your knee. I have knee problems but mine is from being short and my knees lock when I stand up. Haha every once and a great while I will fall for no reason. It sucks to be short. Hopefully everything will be ok. They should have just gave you the f*ing pain killers to begin with. Doctors just don''t seem to understand anything sometimes. arr....
that makes me mad.
well hopefully you won't have to spend too much money and that they can fix your knee