these things suck but somehow i always get suckered into filling um out..
1 MINUTE AGO: i got pissed cuz my wireless wasn't working
1 DAY AGO: i talked to my sister on the phone
1 WEEK AGO: i went to work
1 YEAR AGO: i would have been in school
I HURT: my thumb by clipping off the nail just a little too far
I LOVE: strawberries
I HATE: 1 ply toilet paper
I FEAR: my set being rejected
I HOPE: i can travel the world
I FEEL: like calling in sick today, staying home and eating the ice cream bars i got last night
I BREAK: most everything...
I LISTEN: my ipod
I HIDE: under the sheets when the sun comes out
I PLAY: solitaire, and win everytime. no joke
I MISS: my hawaiian pals
I LEARNED: i can get anything i want because i have boobies
I KNOW: that i get to watch athf tonight> woot
I SAY: anything i damn well please
I DREAM: of never having to work again, enjoying every moment of my life and moving out of this town!
I NEED: to eat something
I THINK: i need a vacation
i have to go to work in an hour and i have a zillion things to do first eek! i've been running around the house all morning because everything is scattered about and i am waiting for some really important stuff and i can't freaking get into my email.... it's all f-ed up!
but on the other hand
the wiener wagon came to wal mart the other day and my friends and i got our pitures taken with it. we had to sing the wiener jingle! i got a sticker that has the wiener with a caption that says "i saw it" > i'm going to put it on my car! ha!
1 MINUTE AGO: i got pissed cuz my wireless wasn't working
1 DAY AGO: i talked to my sister on the phone
1 WEEK AGO: i went to work
1 YEAR AGO: i would have been in school
I HURT: my thumb by clipping off the nail just a little too far
I LOVE: strawberries
I HATE: 1 ply toilet paper
I FEAR: my set being rejected
I HOPE: i can travel the world
I FEEL: like calling in sick today, staying home and eating the ice cream bars i got last night
I BREAK: most everything...
I LISTEN: my ipod
I HIDE: under the sheets when the sun comes out
I PLAY: solitaire, and win everytime. no joke
I MISS: my hawaiian pals

I LEARNED: i can get anything i want because i have boobies
I KNOW: that i get to watch athf tonight> woot
I SAY: anything i damn well please
I DREAM: of never having to work again, enjoying every moment of my life and moving out of this town!
I NEED: to eat something
I THINK: i need a vacation
i have to go to work in an hour and i have a zillion things to do first eek! i've been running around the house all morning because everything is scattered about and i am waiting for some really important stuff and i can't freaking get into my email.... it's all f-ed up!

but on the other hand
the wiener wagon came to wal mart the other day and my friends and i got our pitures taken with it. we had to sing the wiener jingle! i got a sticker that has the wiener with a caption that says "i saw it" > i'm going to put it on my car! ha!
1 DAY AGO: i got roosters album
1 WEEK AGO: i seriously kicked arsee on halo 2
1 YEAR AGO: i was miseraablee in my old job
I HURT: all over
I LOVE: you
I HATE: time
I FEAR: monotony
I HOPE: for the world
I FEEL: anyone i can
I BREAK: to the rock steady crew
I LISTEN: when someone needs to talk
I HIDE: my feelings as often as possible
I PLAY: halo 2
I MISS: to many things
I LEARNED: you can get me because of your boobies
I KNOW: people will largely dissapoint me
I SAY: all it takes, is all i've got
I DREAM: some extremely bizarre but helpful things
I NEED: to get away
I THINK: i need to change ssome things...
cute boobs?... jesus, you're just cute all over