i've got pictures, yeah!
i didn't sleep much last nite, i don't usually work at the ass crack of dawn so i'm not used to going to bed so early.
but the sun was out today and all the snow has melted. i think it's going to be spring in january
so i don't think i'm going snowboarding ever.
here is the tale of the mystery wound:
a few days ago i awoke to a painful scab on my hand. it is perfectly round and the area around it is red. today the scab fell off and now there is a hole in my hand the size of a dull pencil. i don't know if i should be worried or if it's just another extra terrestrial tracking device... hmm

i didn't sleep much last nite, i don't usually work at the ass crack of dawn so i'm not used to going to bed so early.
but the sun was out today and all the snow has melted. i think it's going to be spring in january

here is the tale of the mystery wound:
a few days ago i awoke to a painful scab on my hand. it is perfectly round and the area around it is red. today the scab fell off and now there is a hole in my hand the size of a dull pencil. i don't know if i should be worried or if it's just another extra terrestrial tracking device... hmm
the nite was... well ok i guess but not great... but then it never really is in this crummy little town. but i got drunk, had a lauch, was annoyed by a couple of girls, had pizza, went home, played the x box, watched some telly, went to sleep, woke up, worked, checked SG and saw some god damn stunning pics of you. jesus, looking good
christ my right hand is killing me... wait... that doesnt sound good... its not quite the way it sounded,,, specially after just mentioning your pics... what i mean is to much drawing, am getting serious hand cramps at the moment... i hate that, specially when i have work to do...
if you do manage to go boarding... let me know, i havent been in almost a year, is driving me mad... specially as one of my friends went this weekend... boooooo... so if you do go, i'll come with
anyway hope you are well... apart from the weird wound, i hope you're good... you look good in the pics
speak soon