i've neglected updating for a while because not too much is going on. except for the fact that i hate my job and i am on the prowl for a new one... i think i may also be in the market for relocation. i was thinking some place on the coast or NOT SPOKANE! that would be a good start. so if any one wants to hook me up with a place to stay it would be greatly appreciated

oh everyone thinks it will be this great place... but they dont consider certain aspects... the main ones listed below...
very few metal clubs... or even clubs that play anything "alternative" its all house garage and r'n'b
to top that off... things rarel stay open past 2.... bars shut at 11... anywhere decent to eat shuts earlier...
very few 24 hr shops....
although it's getting easier to buy decent music... its still not that easy
very few decent clothes shops...
everything comes out 4 months after it does in the us...
all in all... we suck
but we do have castles, countryside and very old buildings...
so somewhere sunny in the us... go to cali... i have to go there a lot for work... we could hang out when i do
new jobs are always good too... i try and change mine every so often as well
anyway... thats enough of me hogging your journal
speak soon