yet another bad day for me. my parents whom have survived 23 years of marriage are finalizing their 'seperation.' i feel so icky. i don't even really know how to feel...
my little brother is only 15 and he's at that age when he really needs two loving parents. i want to be there for him because i love him so much, but it's like i always have to work when he gets outa school and when he needs somone to talk to, somebody to take him to a movie or just get him out of the house. he looks up to me alot because we have always had a good friend/relationship and i feel like my job is getting in the way of everything that really matters in my life.
i am going to be a bum for awhile, or maybe an exotic dancer or something that will let me work for little time and enough money to make it out in the world
my little brother is only 15 and he's at that age when he really needs two loving parents. i want to be there for him because i love him so much, but it's like i always have to work when he gets outa school and when he needs somone to talk to, somebody to take him to a movie or just get him out of the house. he looks up to me alot because we have always had a good friend/relationship and i feel like my job is getting in the way of everything that really matters in my life.
i am going to be a bum for awhile, or maybe an exotic dancer or something that will let me work for little time and enough money to make it out in the world
Sorry,to hear about the problems at home
. I sure you do what you can when you can to help your lil bro out. Some day you will take over all the taco shops in the world. Then you will laff at them all

When I came down with anxiety my parents had different views. My mother couldn't help but to be supportive of me but my dad had trouble understanding and they had their differences that might of led to their semi seperation. I didn't really care though, I was too occupied with my illness. I don't blaime myself either.