So i am not really the type of person to "blog" but i feel i should share with the few friends i have on here, cause lets face it. i am here for the boobs. But anyway, it has been and will always be a very difficult time for me the holidays. it seems like every year no matter what, something has to happen, or...
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So yeah i am single again after four years. talk about not knowing what to do with your free time. besides beer, hookah, guitar and xbox. crazy world were everything is cool and then one day you wake up and decide shit isnt cool and you need a fresh start. tragic.
I got my b-day pics up, good party, lots of fun. killed a few kegs and drank some booze. pretty much my average party. I am really proud of myself, i actually remember most of it, except getting home, and some of the pics i have seen of me from other people, i am pretty sure i was way gone by then. Woke up with...
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kisses mr rick

Alright everyone! I think i am realy back this time. I just finished movivng to north hollywood, in my super cool apartment. dead center in the arts district. so its way rad. i will have a bunch of new pics up real soon, showin of my new place, band try-outs and my super sexy beer belly. so yeah. take it eazy.

well, seems like all i ever do is, never update. . . . Since last time i was on and updated, i have moved twice , got a new job. joined a band, and started work on a soundtrack for a movie called " the fall " . The vocal stuff seems to be going okay, but my best stuff is still the digital stuff...
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yo sticky! its wheezy. i havent seen you since everyone was smoking hookas at your house and i crashed on your futon. lol

Well, after a long time i am finaly starting to put stuff up on this site, so if there is anything you want to know about me, any pics you want to see, just contact me and we will see what happends. God knows i need to put some pics up, the monkey pic is a little old. but for now just look for updates...
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happy birthday