I was unable to make it to the bay yesterday for my kite competition . It was mainly a fiscal thing, but I had also not quite finished with my repairs. Truth be told they are not complete yet, just acceptable for driving now.
Instead of flying I decided to accept an invitation from Tonya to join her and some coworkers on the monthly wine walk downtown. I shall not bore everyone with the details of the afternoon, which began so pleasantly. As an alternative I shall ask a question of my illustrious readers. If you were to invite someone who you had been becoming close to for roughly a month out with some friends would you then abandon that person in order to pursue a temporary thing while said person was present?
I am not quite certain what happened after we met the fool who attempted to pass himself off as an Aussie, quite poorly at that. A buffoon who's game Tonya claimed she was in the process of dismantling. The same halfwit of a man who somehow managed to worm his way into our group for a period before disappearing. Only to return later as we were leaving and foist his uncouth self upon our slowly dissolving entourage. The same jack ass who by some means managed to secure a ride home through Tonya, only after stopping at her place so that he could take a shower. I must admit a lack of knowledge to the events that followed them arriving at her car. I was fed up and disgusted by the proceedings that had begun to take place, so I left them there and walked the few short blocks home.
I spent almost two years playing the fool to my ex. supporting her at the bars and getting her out of trouble that she got herself into. I could not count the times that I saw almost the exact thing happening with her on my fingers and toes, of which I have a full company.
Through some means I am uncertain of, I made plans to see her tomorrow night after I leave work. I suppose it happened through my distaste for discussion over telephonic means and a desire to see the look in her eyes as she explains herself to me. Not that I feel she must or even needs too. Right now I am done with the situation. I intend to tell her so and if she wishes to salvage something I am not entirely certain what I will do.
I am left with a feeling that for some inane reason she expected me to fall into an alpha male position, which is just insulting. I have no need to prove my betterment over an inelegant, unsophisticated, lying ignoramus and if she wishes to spend her time with someone who lies on the first foot as opposed to me then she is not a person who I wish to become involved with.
I would likely not be so damn furstrated over this had teh rest of the event been so enjoyable. I even overheard one of her coworkers ask if I was her boy. While others seemed to know more about me that a simple frienship relation would lead to share. Mainly anything beyond my name.
Instead of flying I decided to accept an invitation from Tonya to join her and some coworkers on the monthly wine walk downtown. I shall not bore everyone with the details of the afternoon, which began so pleasantly. As an alternative I shall ask a question of my illustrious readers. If you were to invite someone who you had been becoming close to for roughly a month out with some friends would you then abandon that person in order to pursue a temporary thing while said person was present?
I am not quite certain what happened after we met the fool who attempted to pass himself off as an Aussie, quite poorly at that. A buffoon who's game Tonya claimed she was in the process of dismantling. The same halfwit of a man who somehow managed to worm his way into our group for a period before disappearing. Only to return later as we were leaving and foist his uncouth self upon our slowly dissolving entourage. The same jack ass who by some means managed to secure a ride home through Tonya, only after stopping at her place so that he could take a shower. I must admit a lack of knowledge to the events that followed them arriving at her car. I was fed up and disgusted by the proceedings that had begun to take place, so I left them there and walked the few short blocks home.
I spent almost two years playing the fool to my ex. supporting her at the bars and getting her out of trouble that she got herself into. I could not count the times that I saw almost the exact thing happening with her on my fingers and toes, of which I have a full company.
Through some means I am uncertain of, I made plans to see her tomorrow night after I leave work. I suppose it happened through my distaste for discussion over telephonic means and a desire to see the look in her eyes as she explains herself to me. Not that I feel she must or even needs too. Right now I am done with the situation. I intend to tell her so and if she wishes to salvage something I am not entirely certain what I will do.
I am left with a feeling that for some inane reason she expected me to fall into an alpha male position, which is just insulting. I have no need to prove my betterment over an inelegant, unsophisticated, lying ignoramus and if she wishes to spend her time with someone who lies on the first foot as opposed to me then she is not a person who I wish to become involved with.
I would likely not be so damn furstrated over this had teh rest of the event been so enjoyable. I even overheard one of her coworkers ask if I was her boy. While others seemed to know more about me that a simple frienship relation would lead to share. Mainly anything beyond my name.
Bum deal. Good look with that - girls can be pains in the asses. Trust me - I am one(I meant a pain in the ass, but I guess I'm a girl too!)
I'm glad you're standing up for yourself, though - that could really bring her around. Chicks dig confidence.

Good call - you can't waste time with someone who's not as deep in as you are. But definitely good luck - I know what a bummer "figuring things out" can be.