Car repairs are pissing me off. Not for any other reason than that I wish to spend the funds on more entertaining persuits.
I lost my pen during my adventure and now I reall yneed/want a new one. I am probably going to go with a Cross Verve Fountain in the radial chrome of slenium blue finish. I would prefer a brushed untianted metal look, but the only one they offer is teh platinum finish and 3-450 on a pen is a bit excessive. I'll settle for the 150 that the other models will run me.
Other than car stuff, the last few days, while somewhat busy have been, for the most part, uneventful. With the exception of last night which found me enjoying DrChaos's band and teh company of the lovely Tonya. A trip to the good doctor's abode and then a bit of food in our stomachs later found me kissing Tonya good night and leaving for home, where I stayed in bed until 1pm. Really only nine hours or so, due to that daylight savings nonsense.
I am exicitedly frustrated right now as Jonny Lang and Keb' Mo are both coming to town in the upcoming month and I am uncertain to my ability to afford one let alone both shows.
I lost my pen during my adventure and now I reall yneed/want a new one. I am probably going to go with a Cross Verve Fountain in the radial chrome of slenium blue finish. I would prefer a brushed untianted metal look, but the only one they offer is teh platinum finish and 3-450 on a pen is a bit excessive. I'll settle for the 150 that the other models will run me.
Other than car stuff, the last few days, while somewhat busy have been, for the most part, uneventful. With the exception of last night which found me enjoying DrChaos's band and teh company of the lovely Tonya. A trip to the good doctor's abode and then a bit of food in our stomachs later found me kissing Tonya good night and leaving for home, where I stayed in bed until 1pm. Really only nine hours or so, due to that daylight savings nonsense.
I am exicitedly frustrated right now as Jonny Lang and Keb' Mo are both coming to town in the upcoming month and I am uncertain to my ability to afford one let alone both shows.

Car repairs are pissing me off. Not for any other reason than that I wish to spend the funds on more entertaining pursuits.
Same here. The money I've already spent on car repairs this year would have bought a vintage tenor-banjo and a leather recliner.
And my favorite pen, a fancy ballpoint I received as a business gift, exploded on me last week.
But it was fun hanging with you an Tonya last Sat. And thanks for coming to the show.