Let's see, the last week. Busy and building up in ecxitement almost too rapidly. With the small exception of the weather ebeing a bit difficult for flying the last few days it has been a perfect, exponentially rising experience.
- Spending time at the pub with a variety of friends and meeting a decent, though bit slow, bloke from Mayo
- my phonograph arriving and sounding crystal
- Spending time with Tonya
- two great days of flying, groundbreaking for me really
- Minigolfing with Sam
- A sweet little gem of a lady in Caimbridge making me a mix tape, which is wingin its way right now
- My tuxedo arriving in beautiful condition
- and Fucking Saint Padraig's day which my description of will follow momentarily
I must have been blessed by some greater power for every year's Saint Padraig's day has built upon the joys of the previous with an exponential rate.
The night really did not begin until roughly seven at night when I met my mother and was later joined by TR and two of his friends at my old local. On a very intriguing and portentous note, mom told me of two readings she has had in the past week. In the first she was asked to bring along a few photographs. One of which was the shot of me and my little brothers that we had done two years ago or so for Mother's Day (you can see it in my main gallery). When produced the medium started tapping her finger upon my image at a loss for words. When she finally could utter something it was the single word "school", repeated multiple times. To which mom responded that I had finally begun last year and was attempting to get to Dublin. The response was very heartening. Simply put, she said I will get there, the when was a bit hazy, and more intriguing was her addendum that I will not be coming back, except to visit. I think the words were that I will be going home. And to make things more interesting, the second reading by a different medium produced the same response completely unprompted.
So look out my islander friends, I'll be coming and to stay.
The night continued with wonderful conversation until it was time to leave around 8:30. I contacted Tonya, who I had been in touch with frequently over the course of the evening, and proceeded to her place in order to pick her up and progress to an adventurous environment. I arrived a few minutes before she was ready and I was suitably impressed by the vision which greeted me at her door. (Yes, I am referring to her)
A few phone calls later we dropped my car outside my apartment, filled my flask with Red Breast and continued on foot to our town's fun, but pitiful, Saint Padraig's day central location.
There we met up with Dr. Chaos/Carl and some of Tonya's friends, a mammoth of a guy, Scott, and a nice lady, Alise. Various pubs were frequented and at one I ran into Travis from last semester's english class. We finally exchanged numbers and I have no doubts to the havoc we shall wreak in the future when we meet up again. Also met was an old friend of mine and Cory's, Micky the dike, as we affectionately called her. Peculiarly I ran into her moments before Cory was to join us.
After a fair amount of Guinness consumption we began to disperse, Cory giving Tonya and I a lift back to my place, as the walk would have been pleasantly uncomfortable. I say this meaning that it was getting quite cold and we would have needed to huddle close for shared warmth. Not a bad thing necessarily, but not great either.
We stepped into my place for a short bit to warm up and watch just a small portion of The Shane MacGowan Story, but eventually (which came much more quickly than that sounds) we had to away so that I could return her to her home.
On the drive a few tenuous subjects were broached in, I think, admirable fashion by yours truly. I am fairly certain of this matter by the events which directly followed my parking my car in her driveway. I shall not go into much detail due to my respect for her and because it is for me not you, though if you really wish I could expand further. Let it suffice that my jaw is a bit sore, I have a few bit marks upon my lips, and I am grinning like the village idiot so many refute my association with.
About an hour later (there was period of car cuddling and conversation built into this, not just heavily physical snogging) I walked her to her door, kissed her sweetly goodnight and skipped back to my vehicle.
Did I mention that I am grinning more idiotically than mentioned in a an earlier post? The compounding of brilliant days is allowing me to reach heights of euphoria usually only viewed as obtainable through narcotics.
- Spending time at the pub with a variety of friends and meeting a decent, though bit slow, bloke from Mayo
- my phonograph arriving and sounding crystal
- Spending time with Tonya
- two great days of flying, groundbreaking for me really
- Minigolfing with Sam
- A sweet little gem of a lady in Caimbridge making me a mix tape, which is wingin its way right now
- My tuxedo arriving in beautiful condition
- and Fucking Saint Padraig's day which my description of will follow momentarily
I must have been blessed by some greater power for every year's Saint Padraig's day has built upon the joys of the previous with an exponential rate.
The night really did not begin until roughly seven at night when I met my mother and was later joined by TR and two of his friends at my old local. On a very intriguing and portentous note, mom told me of two readings she has had in the past week. In the first she was asked to bring along a few photographs. One of which was the shot of me and my little brothers that we had done two years ago or so for Mother's Day (you can see it in my main gallery). When produced the medium started tapping her finger upon my image at a loss for words. When she finally could utter something it was the single word "school", repeated multiple times. To which mom responded that I had finally begun last year and was attempting to get to Dublin. The response was very heartening. Simply put, she said I will get there, the when was a bit hazy, and more intriguing was her addendum that I will not be coming back, except to visit. I think the words were that I will be going home. And to make things more interesting, the second reading by a different medium produced the same response completely unprompted.
So look out my islander friends, I'll be coming and to stay.
The night continued with wonderful conversation until it was time to leave around 8:30. I contacted Tonya, who I had been in touch with frequently over the course of the evening, and proceeded to her place in order to pick her up and progress to an adventurous environment. I arrived a few minutes before she was ready and I was suitably impressed by the vision which greeted me at her door. (Yes, I am referring to her)
A few phone calls later we dropped my car outside my apartment, filled my flask with Red Breast and continued on foot to our town's fun, but pitiful, Saint Padraig's day central location.
There we met up with Dr. Chaos/Carl and some of Tonya's friends, a mammoth of a guy, Scott, and a nice lady, Alise. Various pubs were frequented and at one I ran into Travis from last semester's english class. We finally exchanged numbers and I have no doubts to the havoc we shall wreak in the future when we meet up again. Also met was an old friend of mine and Cory's, Micky the dike, as we affectionately called her. Peculiarly I ran into her moments before Cory was to join us.
After a fair amount of Guinness consumption we began to disperse, Cory giving Tonya and I a lift back to my place, as the walk would have been pleasantly uncomfortable. I say this meaning that it was getting quite cold and we would have needed to huddle close for shared warmth. Not a bad thing necessarily, but not great either.
We stepped into my place for a short bit to warm up and watch just a small portion of The Shane MacGowan Story, but eventually (which came much more quickly than that sounds) we had to away so that I could return her to her home.
On the drive a few tenuous subjects were broached in, I think, admirable fashion by yours truly. I am fairly certain of this matter by the events which directly followed my parking my car in her driveway. I shall not go into much detail due to my respect for her and because it is for me not you, though if you really wish I could expand further. Let it suffice that my jaw is a bit sore, I have a few bit marks upon my lips, and I am grinning like the village idiot so many refute my association with.
About an hour later (there was period of car cuddling and conversation built into this, not just heavily physical snogging) I walked her to her door, kissed her sweetly goodnight and skipped back to my vehicle.
Did I mention that I am grinning more idiotically than mentioned in a an earlier post? The compounding of brilliant days is allowing me to reach heights of euphoria usually only viewed as obtainable through narcotics.
ah who cares anyhow? nobody ever remembers the validity of any of these holidays anymore. even Christmas and Thanksgiving and all that jazz. perhaps I'm just a holiday cynic. Except Halloween. Halloween is legit

Ooh, I cannot wait to hear your crazy story!!
And thanks for the b-day wishes!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my dear!