Not dead yet
Though at times it seems that would be easier than dealing with the bull shit life throws our way.
Not seriously, but you all know how that goes.
I sit at my desk, getting ready to ride to work and find myself conversely contemplating and moving beyond the past few weeks, months, year.
The woman who I have long thought I would...
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Though at times it seems that would be easier than dealing with the bull shit life throws our way.
Not seriously, but you all know how that goes.
I sit at my desk, getting ready to ride to work and find myself conversely contemplating and moving beyond the past few weeks, months, year.
The woman who I have long thought I would...
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Hope you have a good time. I'm jealous.

Ahhh. Who knows where things will lead? Ever. We must go out for a few pints again, sometime soon.

Updates may be sporadic at best.
Life is a constantly amazing thing. The return of things long since let go, no longer in their former positions, but in much more positive ones, and new occurances are invigorating.
I am a mere ten months out from the largest step of my life and I am dichotomatically torn between excitement and trepidation. Which, I suppose, is to...
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Life is a constantly amazing thing. The return of things long since let go, no longer in their former positions, but in much more positive ones, and new occurances are invigorating.
I am a mere ten months out from the largest step of my life and I am dichotomatically torn between excitement and trepidation. Which, I suppose, is to...
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My doggies love the snow!

Hello again!
How's everything in my beloved Reno?
How's everything in my beloved Reno?
It appears that I have let this outlet slide quite a bit. My life is progressing. Sometimes at a rate too rapid for my liking, but progressing none the less.
My myspace and IAm accounts are kept up to date much more frequently and therfore I have let this fall to the wayside. That is not to say that I do not still frequent these...
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My myspace and IAm accounts are kept up to date much more frequently and therfore I have let this fall to the wayside. That is not to say that I do not still frequent these...
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i work in the library in my school.
oooh, you have myspace? so do i!!
oooh, you have myspace? so do i!!

It has been quite the spell since I last visited here and left my thoughts.
Today Patric and I signed the lease and began to move into the new house we will be sharing. New is subjective as it is far from, but a neat place that should prove to be an adventure. Especially when the fooseball, air hockey and possibly fbcota's pool table...
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Today Patric and I signed the lease and began to move into the new house we will be sharing. New is subjective as it is far from, but a neat place that should prove to be an adventure. Especially when the fooseball, air hockey and possibly fbcota's pool table...
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Good to see you again!! Congrats on the new living situation - it sounds like it'll be fun. What area of town is it in?
happy bday dude
Looking for a new place for me and Pat is going well this week. Having every morning with the exception of Friday off is helping a great deal. I have a few places that should work out already located. Tomorrow morning we will check them out together and make a list of preferences. Then, on Friday, my baby bro graduates from HS just a day...
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Wow - have fun at your brother's graduation party! And Marine World sounds like fun - kids can be awesome (well, they can be hellish, too - but usually awesome
Have fun with your birdy!!

Have fun with your birdy!!
I'm currently looking to relocate, and Reno is one of the areas I'm looking. I was wondering if you'd let me join the Reno group so I could ask for help/advice about where to look and what resources would be best.

Last evening and into this morning was probably one of the best times I have had in recent memory.
The Atomiks played a full show for the first time in months, complete with the old drummer, Diesel Patriot, who is far better than the last gentleman. They played some new stuff and some really old stuff. I danced until I couldn't move and then danced...
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The Atomiks played a full show for the first time in months, complete with the old drummer, Diesel Patriot, who is far better than the last gentleman. They played some new stuff and some really old stuff. I danced until I couldn't move and then danced...
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How are things in Reno these days?
I'm about to actually dust off my kite bag and open her up.
It's kind of frustration when everything gets out of it's "honeymoon period" and starts cracking and breaking and stuff.
Specially when you've got no money for replacement stuff.
Oh well. Time to lock up the cats and unwrap everything and set it up in the living room.
Do you like quads? I won a quad at auction and never got it working right. Not at ALL like the demo Revs in Berkeley.

I'm about to actually dust off my kite bag and open her up.
It's kind of frustration when everything gets out of it's "honeymoon period" and starts cracking and breaking and stuff.

Specially when you've got no money for replacement stuff.

Oh well. Time to lock up the cats and unwrap everything and set it up in the living room.
Do you like quads? I won a quad at auction and never got it working right. Not at ALL like the demo Revs in Berkeley.

Thanks! I'm incredibly happy right now! 

I've been pretty busy of late. Staying out early drinking and whatnot, studying, work. It has all kind of blurred together to an extent.
Diz has been hanging out with me at a few local places and has behaved so well I will probably continue to bring him out. Not to mention how much people seem to enjoy seeing him, a nice benefit for both...
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Diz has been hanging out with me at a few local places and has behaved so well I will probably continue to bring him out. Not to mention how much people seem to enjoy seeing him, a nice benefit for both...
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A car bomb? In some weird, twisted way, that seems appropriate. Mind you, I approve of weird, twisted ways, of course!
I'll see you Friday eve, presumably....

I'll see you Friday eve, presumably....
Hey hey... I'm back in Sac, but employed now, so it's kind of a win-win situation.
Sorry we didn't get a chance to tangle lines up before I moved away...
Where do you pick up spare rods anyway? I'm pretty happy with Gone WIth The Wind, myself, but just curious who you've found for those all so necessary spare/repair parts???
Sorry we didn't get a chance to tangle lines up before I moved away...
Where do you pick up spare rods anyway? I'm pretty happy with Gone WIth The Wind, myself, but just curious who you've found for those all so necessary spare/repair parts???
Thursday was a near perfect day. I say near, because there was a few things I would like to have done differently, but such is the way of things.
The morning started out with a short trip to the dentist which was then followed by spending a fair amount of money on books and jazz LPs. Work was, for this week at least, relaxed. We...
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The morning started out with a short trip to the dentist which was then followed by spending a fair amount of money on books and jazz LPs. Work was, for this week at least, relaxed. We...
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Hey, I didn't realise their were 'processing charges' so I'm sending you some more to cover that.
hey...if you still got that prom ticket i'd like to buy it from you 

Well that cleared up easy enough. I was to meet with Tonya tonight and I was fairly certain that I was going to say goodbye. After a bit of searching and direction too I realized that I wasn't really into her as much as I wanted to be into someone. We met outside a local small scale casino and almost imediately she broke into how...
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A headbanging bird?! That's awesome!! My mom's bird yells "Dammit!" which can actually be kinda embarassing. Birds are hilarious!
I'm glad it all worked out - and the Dancing Diva seems to be a recurring theme, too, so maybe fate has something better (her!) in store for you!
I'm glad it all worked out - and the Dancing Diva seems to be a recurring theme, too, so maybe fate has something better (her!) in store for you!

Sooo? In that case, call me, and I will let you in on my nefarious plans, bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I was unable to make it to the bay yesterday for my kite competition . It was mainly a fiscal thing, but I had also not quite finished with my repairs. Truth be told they are not complete yet, just acceptable for driving now.
Instead of flying I decided to accept an invitation from Tonya to join her and some coworkers on the monthly wine...
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Instead of flying I decided to accept an invitation from Tonya to join her and some coworkers on the monthly wine...
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Bum deal. Good look with that - girls can be pains in the asses. Trust me - I am one(I meant a pain in the ass, but I guess I'm a girl too!)
I'm glad you're standing up for yourself, though - that could really bring her around. Chicks dig confidence.

Good call - you can't waste time with someone who's not as deep in as you are. But definitely good luck - I know what a bummer "figuring things out" can be.