So Saturday night was the Amazing yearly Ball for all us Aussies and being only the second one i have been to i was really kinda nervous about what to expect. So i showed up fashionably precisely on time lol and from the moment i walked in and Ex came up and gave me a hug to say hello i knew it was going to be a great night. to everyone i met and everyone i seen again i love being around you all so much. I have some pictures they are not the best quality in the world as it was on my phone but hey here are some happy snaps from the night.
And finally a picture of me after 4 hrs sleep, seriously hung over and 550k's from The ball back home at 6pm yesterday afternoon
yes i rode the whole way on my bike with a yellow goatee lol.
thanks to everyone for being themselves
and no blog about the ball would be complete without a MASSIVE thanks to the people responsible for this year, @exkyu @countessa and the DJ and i think someone else helped too. please pass on my thanks to them for me :)
I will see you all again soon or at the latest this time next year :)