For the last six months or so my life has been hectic, but in a good way. Work has been busy busy busy, I have been seen Rain a lot (
) and I have been happy. Things have been very good indeed.
Yet this morning, completely out of the blue, I woke up and wondered if I could really be bothered going in to work. I know, how bizarre....
It's not normally like me to feel like this but today....today I just wondered for a second what it would be like to sell up and move on; move somewhere new and exciting, just without the day-to-day hassles of having to work to pay the rent and mortgage (yes, i'm currently servicing both). I know in my heart of hearts I wouldn't enjoy lazing around doing nothing - I am the sort of person who gets bored very quickly and, whereas it is nice to go on holiday and lay on a beach for two weeks, I very much doubt if I could do it for the rest of my life.
I also wondered what it would be like to win the Lottery. I'd be content with a million or two (or would I?) but then again that's a foolish thought - there is no point in wishing one's life away hoping for a bit of good fortune. You have to make your own luck.
I think these thought have crept in to my mushy brain because I am feeling a little low at the moment. A certain someone has given me her cold and I can feel it escalating in to Man Flu. None of this girly sort, proper Man Flu. I tells ya, you chicks with your periods and your "childbirth is like pissing out a watermelon out of your lady bits" haven't felt anything as bad as a real, proper bout of Man Flu. I'm sure I saw Death loitering round outside my flat earlier today.
So, I am bunged and I thought I would drag you down with me. Boo me.
*grumble grumble*
For the last six months or so my life has been hectic, but in a good way. Work has been busy busy busy, I have been seen Rain a lot (

Yet this morning, completely out of the blue, I woke up and wondered if I could really be bothered going in to work. I know, how bizarre....
It's not normally like me to feel like this but today....today I just wondered for a second what it would be like to sell up and move on; move somewhere new and exciting, just without the day-to-day hassles of having to work to pay the rent and mortgage (yes, i'm currently servicing both). I know in my heart of hearts I wouldn't enjoy lazing around doing nothing - I am the sort of person who gets bored very quickly and, whereas it is nice to go on holiday and lay on a beach for two weeks, I very much doubt if I could do it for the rest of my life.
I also wondered what it would be like to win the Lottery. I'd be content with a million or two (or would I?) but then again that's a foolish thought - there is no point in wishing one's life away hoping for a bit of good fortune. You have to make your own luck.
I think these thought have crept in to my mushy brain because I am feeling a little low at the moment. A certain someone has given me her cold and I can feel it escalating in to Man Flu. None of this girly sort, proper Man Flu. I tells ya, you chicks with your periods and your "childbirth is like pissing out a watermelon out of your lady bits" haven't felt anything as bad as a real, proper bout of Man Flu. I'm sure I saw Death loitering round outside my flat earlier today.
So, I am bunged and I thought I would drag you down with me. Boo me.
*grumble grumble*
refreshing change...why don't you start up your own business, maybe one that involves making those millions that you want, travelling, and perhaps a hot naked nymphomaniac on your arm...erm, or elsewhere...?
i've heard and women starting up businesses in the UK get lots of help for some reason, but you aren't a lady, are you? hmmm, maybe i'll start a business and make millions....