I know it's a little bit on the late side but greetings to you nevertheless. I would have offered them earlier but I have been a wee bit poorly recently. A wee bit? Well no. More like I have been shitting gravy for the past six days, leaving me dehydrated, grumpy and as weak as a kitten (which I believe to be close to an oxymoron. Have you seen the strength a kitten possesses when it is trying to fight it's way out of a brick-filled sack? It's like it knows it is just about to be thrown in to the river...)
Anyway, yeh. I got in to work today for the first time since the morning of 28 December (when I first started squitting) to be greeted with such exclaimations of "God, MRO, you look ill. Have you lost weight?" Thanks, that makes me glad to be in work although a cursory glance in the mirror in the lift reveals I look grey and skeletal. Shocking. I weighed myself to ascertain the damage - in true MRO-illness-stylie I have managed to lose a stone in weight (around 15 pounds) in less than one week. Lypo? Atkins Diet? Pah!! You wanna lose weight fast then catch the MRO Super Bug. Guarantees to lose you a stone a week until you start eating again or your money back.
Speaking of eating I finally have some semblance of an appetite back. Thankfully. Losing excess pounds is one thing but I am suddenly faced with being a scrap over 10 stone, which is faaaaaarrrrrrr too skinny for a 6 foot stud-muffin like me. (Do you realise that's over 4 stone (60 pounds) I have lost since my ulcer was first diagnosed in March 2005. That's 1/3 of my entire body weight. Maybe something really is wrong...)
Anyway, such matters aside because I doubt if anyone really is interested in my current bowel movements and body weight situation....
......I bumped in to my landlord today and he says he has bought me a brand new washing machine for my flat. That's nice of him and a very welcome surprise! Anyone want a Zanussi washer/dryer? Yours for free.......
I know it's a little bit on the late side but greetings to you nevertheless. I would have offered them earlier but I have been a wee bit poorly recently. A wee bit? Well no. More like I have been shitting gravy for the past six days, leaving me dehydrated, grumpy and as weak as a kitten (which I believe to be close to an oxymoron. Have you seen the strength a kitten possesses when it is trying to fight it's way out of a brick-filled sack? It's like it knows it is just about to be thrown in to the river...)
Anyway, yeh. I got in to work today for the first time since the morning of 28 December (when I first started squitting) to be greeted with such exclaimations of "God, MRO, you look ill. Have you lost weight?" Thanks, that makes me glad to be in work although a cursory glance in the mirror in the lift reveals I look grey and skeletal. Shocking. I weighed myself to ascertain the damage - in true MRO-illness-stylie I have managed to lose a stone in weight (around 15 pounds) in less than one week. Lypo? Atkins Diet? Pah!! You wanna lose weight fast then catch the MRO Super Bug. Guarantees to lose you a stone a week until you start eating again or your money back.
Speaking of eating I finally have some semblance of an appetite back. Thankfully. Losing excess pounds is one thing but I am suddenly faced with being a scrap over 10 stone, which is faaaaaarrrrrrr too skinny for a 6 foot stud-muffin like me. (Do you realise that's over 4 stone (60 pounds) I have lost since my ulcer was first diagnosed in March 2005. That's 1/3 of my entire body weight. Maybe something really is wrong...)
Anyway, such matters aside because I doubt if anyone really is interested in my current bowel movements and body weight situation....
......I bumped in to my landlord today and he says he has bought me a brand new washing machine for my flat. That's nice of him and a very welcome surprise! Anyone want a Zanussi washer/dryer? Yours for free.......