i get so screwed up in my head sometimes when my favorite team loses. hate it. its just me. i have sorta been alittle down, nothing serious, but just blaaa. had a problem with my carpooler and so i just left em. will cost more to drive and destroy the enviroment (kinda a shame) but hopefully i find someone else to drive with. i fuckin hate people who dont show the same respect i show them.
then i am a bit blaaa-ed out because thoughout the past years i have played some sort of sport, vollyball/beach volly or badmiton but the past year or more i have not been able to play cause of a nagging back/hip problem. i am trying to fix it with mini workouts at home perscribed by my work trainer. it has given me some results...like i can take long walks with out pain....but she said that badmiton might not be in the cards for me anymore. i am not Young. crap, i am not. i feel Young....until i lunge at the net. :) well, i did get out with my bike some and i can take my walks. i suppose it will get better. i just loved playing a sport where you can lot out your aggression and focus on the sport and not Think about anything else.
my poor mom is in a home because of Parkinsons and i can hear how my dad is taking it really hard. i cant just get up and visit either since they live in texas and i live in sweden. sucks. just hope she is not in alot of pain.
well, i got a whole lotta Music to keep me happy and Movies too. i am a pretty positive guy so i try not to let shit get me down, lok on the Bright side of Life. ................just hope my Saints win this weekend now.
then i have this great, fun comunity here with some great people, interesting people, funny people, and some Beautiful people. thanks yall!!