Current Mood:
Heh, emoti-dogs are the way of the future. Oh yes...
So. Still no gas. Very annoyed but what can I do? Sudden thought: If Americans call petrol gas, what do they call gas?
I can't wait for the weekend. Work is driving me a bit crazy atm. Too much work for too little money really. Fliping between guy with a drill 'n lotsa cables to project manager, drawing up architectural wiring plans & costing proposals. :-/
I wanna be my own boss. But I guess, who doesn't?

Heh, emoti-dogs are the way of the future. Oh yes...
So. Still no gas. Very annoyed but what can I do? Sudden thought: If Americans call petrol gas, what do they call gas?
I can't wait for the weekend. Work is driving me a bit crazy atm. Too much work for too little money really. Fliping between guy with a drill 'n lotsa cables to project manager, drawing up architectural wiring plans & costing proposals. :-/
I wanna be my own boss. But I guess, who doesn't?

we call it gas. gas gas gas. were lazy like that. its all gas. although we do sometimes call petrol by the full name of gasoline. and so theres that mystery solved.
hmmm...i actually dont care where i move to in the uk. i just have to have a home when i get there. im hoping to not have to end up staying in a hotel. its hard to do this over the internet. yikes.
oh and i want friends when i get there as well. no good being totally lonely ya know.
i think i really do as well. i've been thinking sooooo much recently and after all of it, i've had some fun in the mean time and was about to admit defeat. but i don think i can. i think i love you too much!
your mine. and and want to keep it that way. you and me. us.