America is weird.

I've got a job!
I leave tommorow morning to fly to America and then on to Iraq for a few weeks to shoot a documentary. This is going to be an experience-and-a-half.

How amazing is it when something like this comes along, just when you think you have nothing and you're really wondering what the point in anything is.
Guess I won't be updating for...
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fucking hell dude!! go you!!! thats fucking awsome! wow i hope you have so much fun, and i hope this leads to some really wicked opportunities!! am very proud!!
also though.... be bloody careful!! you'll be as close to my 'home' as ever!!

also though.... be bloody careful!! you'll be as close to my 'home' as ever!!
Yeah, so I'm great at updating. I guess it doesn't matter too much anyhow, but hey.
Good news:
1) I bought myself a little present
It's so good I couldn't wait so got next day delivery. Argh, why isn't it tommorow yet?!
2) I *might* have a job soon. Fingers X'ed, touch wood, etc. Probably just jynxed it by saying that now though :-/
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Good news:
1) I bought myself a little present

2) I *might* have a job soon. Fingers X'ed, touch wood, etc. Probably just jynxed it by saying that now though :-/
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you did?! ha! thats silly, what colour you gunna have them though? coz you havn't had a pair of bright trousers that fit in years!
home is really gay to be honest.
my parents are getting worse as usual... *sigh* its a bit shit really. i just hope the holiday doesn't get ruined! 

home is really gay to be honest.

you bought an iriver?! BITCH!
your webcam doesn't work...? oops..
what happened with the job? where ya moving to?

your webcam doesn't work...? oops..
what happened with the job? where ya moving to?

So, the good news:
I'm no longer employed :-D
I'm fairly certain I'm moving to Southampton in September.
The bad news:
I need to find a job
I really hurt my back and now I can't really move much. I feel like an old man :-(
<geek> In the mean time I have to finish watching Star Trek Enterprise. . . </geek>
I'm no longer employed :-D
I'm fairly certain I'm moving to Southampton in September.
The bad news:
I need to find a job
I really hurt my back and now I can't really move much. I feel like an old man :-(
<geek> In the mean time I have to finish watching Star Trek Enterprise. . . </geek>
which images have you got to send me... ?
and yeah just whack a disc in th epost... or no hang on why cant ya just email me it? ....
and thank you! i also love that one of tilly too.

and thank you! i also love that one of tilly too.

yo. waddup fool!
you ok? sorry it was very fleeting at the bus stop!
you ok? sorry it was very fleeting at the bus stop!

Just got back from working in Birmingham again. Going to hand in my notice on Monday. Must plan what to say. Should give me plenty of time to work out what to do with my so called life.
Going to Southampton to party & play computer games this weekend. w00t. :-) Will be the highlight of this month most likely.
Going to Southampton to party & play computer games this weekend. w00t. :-) Will be the highlight of this month most likely.
hope ya had a good weekend dude!!
good luck for tomorrow. i start a new job tomorrow too... *eep*
good luck for tomorrow. i start a new job tomorrow too... *eep*
Okay. So, list of things to do:
Cook Dinner
In the oven.. mMm pizza.
Kick back & Watch CSI
ETA 1hr
Get a hairstyle
Seriously can't have it going too Henry Wait for it to grow again?
Quit Job
Crap thats going to be akward.
Chill out for a month.
Shouldn't be too hard
Move to Southampton
I think . . .
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Cook Dinner
In the oven.. mMm pizza.
Kick back & Watch CSI
ETA 1hr
Get a hairstyle
Seriously can't have it going too Henry Wait for it to grow again?
Quit Job
Crap thats going to be akward.
Chill out for a month.
Shouldn't be too hard
Move to Southampton
I think . . .
Read More
cable would make for such a boring dream dude!!
thanks for the link..the 13 quid one looks like my best bet i guess! i cant wait for actual net! w00t!
i forgot what else you said....erm....yeah thanks bout the pics! i is proud.
thanks for the link..the 13 quid one looks like my best bet i guess! i cant wait for actual net! w00t!

i forgot what else you said....erm....yeah thanks bout the pics! i is proud.

[. . . ]
such interesting content in your journal entry 

hope brum wasn't too bad. be sure to check out the roach pics, even if it's to see what a mass you have to upload just with that...:/ eek, sorry!!
and thaks in advance!!
and thaks in advance!!

i knew you'd never update. again.
as in propane and such??
we call it gas. gas gas gas. were lazy like that. its all gas. although we do sometimes call petrol by the full name of gasoline. and so theres that mystery solved.
hmmm...i actually dont care where i move to in the uk. i just have to have a home when i get there. im hoping to not have to end up staying in a hotel. its hard to do this over the internet. yikes.
oh and i want friends when i get there as well. no good being totally lonely ya know.
we call it gas. gas gas gas. were lazy like that. its all gas. although we do sometimes call petrol by the full name of gasoline. and so theres that mystery solved.
hmmm...i actually dont care where i move to in the uk. i just have to have a home when i get there. im hoping to not have to end up staying in a hotel. its hard to do this over the internet. yikes.
oh and i want friends when i get there as well. no good being totally lonely ya know.
i miss your face!!
i think i really do as well. i've been thinking sooooo much recently and after all of it, i've had some fun in the mean time and was about to admit defeat. but i don think i can. i think i love you too much!
your mine. and and want to keep it that way. you and me. us.

i think i really do as well. i've been thinking sooooo much recently and after all of it, i've had some fun in the mean time and was about to admit defeat. but i don think i can. i think i love you too much!
your mine. and and want to keep it that way. you and me. us.