I need to buy a new portable CD player. Someone at work thiefed mine. Very upsetting.
Watchign my Sports Night DVDs. It's almost too much. It's so delightful. I am happy that the edited out the laugh track after awhile. I'm an adult. I think I know what's funny. Assholes.
Rar. I get to run a game tonite. I revel in my gamer nerdiness. REVEL! I even have one of them vinyl maps you can write on.
I think more comments are in order. I believe I will begin commenting on my own journal. Excellent. Astro Chicken
Watchign my Sports Night DVDs. It's almost too much. It's so delightful. I am happy that the edited out the laugh track after awhile. I'm an adult. I think I know what's funny. Assholes.
Rar. I get to run a game tonite. I revel in my gamer nerdiness. REVEL! I even have one of them vinyl maps you can write on.
I think more comments are in order. I believe I will begin commenting on my own journal. Excellent. Astro Chicken
Dude, we had this two week streak of thiefing at my work last year. It's sucked ass and we never found out who did it. Bastards.
Yeah, as for The Hives. I like them in the same way that I like the Vines. Each have a few good songs, but overall I'll pass.
Oh well.