Sorry poeple i just dont have the time and with other things going on in my life ...... if you know me please try to keep in touch phone or text

My good friend just told me to " cheer up .... there is light at the end of the tunel .... and it's not always a train"
Ditto. Sorry I've been so scattered lately. I am kind of overwhelmed with life and then thorw in school and work and I become a basketcase.

We have to hang out when I get back from TX.

Hugs Mr Man
so now i'm sittind here trying to type with my left hand cause my right has a cast on it. so my lillte life feels f@#$ed up right now for to many resons to list right now. but hey things could be worse i guess.
So at my job i am "The F*%@ing Man" I showed up over 1 hour late ( i start work at 6am) after night of binge drinking. My boss asks if i had trouble sleeping, I said "Nope i was out getting drunk and didn't get home till 2:30 am" Does he fire me? No. Does he write me up? No. Does he give me...
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