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Alright....its been waaayyy to long since I've posted on here. My new goal is to post at least once a week. To sum up these last 4 years in a nutshell: a few more grey hairs, a few pounds heavier, a lot more perspective, and a very fulfilling life.
Not a bad nutshell! Welcome back to postingland. :)
Thanks. After such a long absence it was hard to come up with something.
Decided I really needed to take the day off work. Yay playing hookey! Any good ideas on what to do with my day? I'm tired of remodeling my house and I need to do something fun.
Update, I did actually have to go in for a half day because they could find a sub that could work the whole day. Really sucks.
Thanks for the love 

Thought for the day........it is often just as important to know what you are not good at as it is to know what you are good at. For example, today I learned that I am not a good carpenter. I can get the job done, but it's not going to be pretty.