Ive been toying with a character for the plot of a book im writing, Ive been taught its always a good thing to write a character profile before you start writing about a character, sort of an indepth study so you know them as well as yourself.
After ploughing a lot of time into 'Jesse Welles', the point of which he was meant to start...
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After ploughing a lot of time into 'Jesse Welles', the point of which he was meant to start...
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Thank you for the nice comment. I think everything that we create has an element of self, whether in art or writing, it is near impossible to get that level of detatchment I think anyway. No one is ever really 2D everyone has elements of good and bad but the most important point of consideration is that everyone sees each other with different eyes. You may see yourself that way but everyone will see you differently to a certain degree.
Where does the year go? Funny that as I become more content time moves faster. But is contentment happiness? m not so sure...
Sorry I've been so long gone. Time is a curious thing isn't it, the older you get the quicker it passes. One of lifes biggest jokes right?
Anyway, I've found this tumblr blog which appears to be odd little shots around London, I like it, quirky and a bit odd, just like me!!
Anyway, I've found this tumblr blog which appears to be odd little shots around London, I like it, quirky and a bit odd, just like me!!
thank you, dear 

Phew, how time passes, January is almost over. Have we all had fun?
I finally watched Aronofskys The Fountain in preparation of The Black Swan, im left a little 50/50 on it bewteen clever and thoughtful love story, and slightly over elaborate multi stranded tale that tries to pack too much in. Hmmm...
I finally watched Aronofskys The Fountain in preparation of The Black Swan, im left a little 50/50 on it bewteen clever and thoughtful love story, and slightly over elaborate multi stranded tale that tries to pack too much in. Hmmm...
"The bottom is full of nice people Albert, only the cream, and bastards, rise"
- Lou Harper
- Lou Harper
Just discovered that the author Richard Kadrey has actually blocked me on twitter! Im really annoyed. I enjoy reading his feed with the thoughts and links he posts, I wondered why he hadn't posted in a while. Why on earth would he bother to go out of his way to do that when there is nothing contentious in my feed, no abusive messages and im...
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What a horrid week i've just had at work, underlined by the fact im at home on a Friday night rather than out having fun because im sooo bushed.
To add to my self harm i've quit drinking for January, and boy do I miss it on nights like tonight! Still only 3 weeks to go till I can have a drink. Yum yum yummm!
To add to my self harm i've quit drinking for January, and boy do I miss it on nights like tonight! Still only 3 weeks to go till I can have a drink. Yum yum yummm!
Just got back from The Social in London, enjoying exclusive listening to Chapel Clubs new album. Pretty good, if you like the singles so far I don't think you'll be disappointed. All very My Bloody Valentine/Joy Division/Morrisey-esque.
Hmm just back from this. Quite excited at going to see it, thought there would be a little more content, but don't ask me in what way. But its free and all education should be encouraged

I went to see High Society. I adore the Wellcome Collection, as a destination for the incurably curious (what a great tag line). The previous exhibit they had on there, Skin, was undoubtedly better than High Society, but you're right, it was an enjoyable way to spend an hour.
Agreed. "Identity" last year was really interesting as well. Always worth keeping an eye on whats on there. Also their food and drink in the cafe is always tasty (if a little carbs heavy at times!!)
We'll theres some crappy programme about porn on TV, lots of middle class blokes talking about soft porn. It would appear by their usage gauge that i'm a "habitual porn user".
Who knows if theres a cure for such an affliction. And who cares!!

Who knows if theres a cure for such an affliction. And who cares!!