jam #2 was killer. picked up and threw down What i Got in 2 runs. granted it's a simple song. but it's really fun to play and we're real tight on it. if only i could get my damn confidence up....
last night was the best time i've ever had at a concert. i saw skavenjah play at McNally's. and i danced my ass off for 3.5 hours. i was so exhausted i puked. but i've never had so much fun.
last night i went to Coco Loco, and i got to meet Rose. that was great. we totally introduced her to the "Ratio". and i have to say that the Ratio was high last night.
Rose, you should have come for the walk. we walked through this park near the university. there were all these sculptures. and they were pretty much amazing. barry was feeling... Read More
last night was great. aside from the crazy ass driver and all the drama between others in truck.
we were sat facing each other. so we held hands. the road was smooth so i leaned in and kissed her. she kissed me back. hard. i held her as close as i could and looked into her eyes. a delicious chocolate brown. i could have looked... Read More
so i work maintenance at the Leader Post. as maintenance i see a lot of garbage..
adn i got to thinking today. how large a percent is fast food wrappers in the trash. i estimate it at about 70%. no joke. and next in line at about 25% was paper from the newspaper. * the rest was made up of tobbaco litter mostly.