Well it has taken me this long to realise that going to the hospital for an opperation sucks... I think the best part of it all is going under with a general. I love the feeling of it taking you.... i always try and beat it but never can... yeah funny that! Waking up is a whole new experience.... I always wake up and talk shit and get emotional... hahahaha! I remember when I was younger having an op and I would always wake up and my parents would be there with me.... now it's never the same when they are not there!
Putting up with a few days of pain.... then it'll be all good
..... the weekend is near so I will have to feel better for that!
Putting up with a few days of pain.... then it'll be all good

Oh no, you had an operation? That sucks, what were you in hospital for, if you don't mind my asking?

Well I hope you feel better soon!