Hi everyone.... yes yes I am still alive
Been really busy of late..... I have found a new place to move to and so it's taking up most of my time! I start moving tomorrow so I guess my time on SG is now going to be limited until I settle in. Should be back on in a few weeks!
Hope you're all well, talk...
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Been really busy of late..... I have found a new place to move to and so it's taking up most of my time! I start moving tomorrow so I guess my time on SG is now going to be limited until I settle in. Should be back on in a few weeks!
Hope you're all well, talk...
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why thanx thanxx
Thank you very much
How have you been? Are you enjoying the beginning of summer?!

Had a great weekend! Went on a car club run on Saturday night down to Coolangatta and then on Sunday went to an ol skool car show at Parklands.... wasn't too bad. Would've been good to see some alot more rods etc... but nevertheless was good. Really didn't get up to much else... certainly clocked up a few k's in the cars though.
Some friends...
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Some friends...
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In 3.5 hours I'm on a flight to your city!
thanks for the blog comment I posted the set today in the hopefulls section finally yay! haha I also started a new job today I am officially a coffee wench working two jobs will be interesting lol how was your weekend?! sounds like you had lots of fun!
Well it has taken me this long to realise that going to the hospital for an opperation sucks... I think the best part of it all is going under with a general. I love the feeling of it taking you.... i always try and beat it but never can... yeah funny that! Waking up is a whole new experience.... I always wake up and talk...
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Oh no, you had an operation? That sucks, what were you in hospital for, if you don't mind my asking?

Well I hope you feel better soon! 

Oh great... two days of a Senior Management conference..... day 1 was fukin boring!!!!! I nearly feel asleep about 10 times.... felt like telling the guy to stick his microphone up his clacker! hahahaha seriously... out of the 100 managers that attend I have not had one of them say that these regualr conferences are much fun at all!
and guess what...... another day of...
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and guess what...... another day of...
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Have fun tomorrow.
No, but seriously... May it be a hundred times more exciting than t was today. 

Had a great anniversary yesterday. Hope you don't mind that I added you to msn?

What an adventurous weekend!
Friday night saw a group of us down the local hang out with the cars, although it was pretty cold and quiet it was good to catch up with everyone since I had been on hols.
Saturday night the flatmates and I decided to have a bit of a party at home..... well it kicked off at 7pm and finished at...
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Friday night saw a group of us down the local hang out with the cars, although it was pretty cold and quiet it was good to catch up with everyone since I had been on hols.
Saturday night the flatmates and I decided to have a bit of a party at home..... well it kicked off at 7pm and finished at...
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hahahha anyone would think you're a rebellious teenager. pissing the cops off geez 

Thanks for the blog comment yesterday, and I'm sorry I didn't reply. Was just having a bit of a bad day, that's all. Still no word on the set photos, so I won't be expecting them to be ready for another week, at least.
Oh well. I'm trying to stay positive though.
Hope you're having a good week!

Well what can I say.... Thailand was fukin awsome!!! Such a different place. As I had no expectations and knew very little about the place and what there was to see before I left I think that that made the trip so much more fun
I met heaps of people, alot from Australia!?!?! and made a few more contacts for future o/s travel
The islands...
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Thank you!
Oh, I'm so glad you had a good time in Thailand! 

Thanks, you! 

Two more sleeps till Thailand...... yeeeeay!
Pretty excited now
Pretty excited now

yah i actually ended up going and drinking at my work..i think my boss saw me...oopsy!
Hopefully, yeah!
Have fun in Thailand; you're lucky! 

Single life.....
Seem to be attracting girls whom are....
In a relationship
heaps of baggage or issues (generally due to ex's)
leaving to travel O/S
Unsure of how they feel about an ex
too young......
shit..... what do ya do!
Seem to be attracting girls whom are....
In a relationship
heaps of baggage or issues (generally due to ex's)
leaving to travel O/S
Unsure of how they feel about an ex
too young......
shit..... what do ya do!

hahaha awesome. perhaps you should develop grumpy old man syndrome. might attract some not young people. other then that, i gots nothing.
I can't wait! Next weekend I head for Thailand... finally my 1st time overseas
So excited!!!
I'm going to meet my flatmates over there and they have no idea I am coming. I arrive on the Saturday night and they arrive on the Sunday morning so I will meet them at the airport as I know which flight they arrive on.
I really want to...
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I'm going to meet my flatmates over there and they have no idea I am coming. I arrive on the Saturday night and they arrive on the Sunday morning so I will meet them at the airport as I know which flight they arrive on.
I really want to...
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have a big sign with their name on it or something, they won't be expecting it and they'll no doubt think it's a bit weird. If you had stuff to dress up in that would make it funnier 

i have little to no tolerance left for selfish arrogant wankers. that's about the long and short of it.

Well what a week! Phew.... i am buggered!!! Just kickin back with a beer right now just chillin.
I love my job! I love what I do.... everytime I see the look on their faces or have a conversation with them you realise even more how much of a difference you make to their lives. I work with adults with an intellectual disability and it's...
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I love my job! I love what I do.... everytime I see the look on their faces or have a conversation with them you realise even more how much of a difference you make to their lives. I work with adults with an intellectual disability and it's...
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always good to be in a position so fulfilling. glad you're happy boyface.
Thank you for commenting on my set!