it's 4:41 a.m. and i'm still up. and i'm listening wu tang. i could've put on nick drake and kept calm, but i'm stupid. so i put on something that would for sure get me amped. one more reason that i think i'm part retarded.
I think what you said makes sense, there is no point in liberal factions squabbling amongst themselves instead of banding together to fight the greater threat of republican dominance. unfortunatly, i don't think nader gets this, or at least he won't admit it. in his speech last sat. he mentioned the greens plan to "fight the democrats in congress" we should be uniting with other liberal parties... not fighting with them over stuff that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. that and his failure to identify women's rights as an important issue in this country really turned me off. he's just another guy in a suit spewing rhetoric as far as i'm concerened.
your comments are always appreciated, by the way
i'm glad that you agree. however, i did not hear his speech. i was hoping tha i didn't overstep my bounderies when i wrote that, but i'm just tired of seeing nader put up on this golden pedestal. people seem to think that the man can do wrong, but boil it all down to brass tax and he's a politician. plain and simple. he's got his agenda, and he wants it filled no matter what. write back any time.
it's monday night, i ran into that one girl, i'm listening to aesop rock. tonight is one of the best borin g nights i've had for awhile. that seems to be all my nights consist of anymore. one borin g event leading to another boring event, to anther boring event. have you ever stopped eating not because you were full but because you were too...
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usually you make a comment in somebody's journal or send a friend request if you want to be buddies, but an email works too.
locked in after about a foot snow, going a little stir crazy. i had more to write about, but i forgot what i wanted to say. i wrote out e-mails before doing this and forgot all i wanted to say. nobody reads it anyway.
i live on the east coast, eastern pa. they say it's supposed to snow pretty bad here tomorrow. so unlike myself, and much like everybody else, i did the before snow shopping. a couple cases of beer, some bacon and english muffins. also some eclipse spearmint gum. some various vegtables, soap, toothpaste, soup, and a shitload of toilet paper. because you never know. i've only...
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drunk and stupid onight. however, i made a great business partner. hopefully your assholes like music as much as i do. because im trying tp open a record store. we'll see.
ok, i really am unsure about how to set this stuff all up, if anybody finds this entry and feels like helping out, would you please write back. i'm helpless here. kind of a nerd i guess. thanks to whoever might help out.
your a stupid fuckin kid..i can't believe you can't work this stuff you fucking pesant.
yeah but i figured it out, fool. don't make me sock it to you.