i live on the east coast, eastern pa. they say it's supposed to snow pretty bad here tomorrow. so unlike myself, and much like everybody else, i did the before snow shopping. a couple cases of beer, some bacon and english muffins. also some eclipse spearmint gum. some various vegtables, soap, toothpaste, soup, and a shitload of toilet paper. because you never know. i've only broken into the toilet paper so far. because out of the blue i got a bloody nose. but in such an uncool way. no iggy pop like antics. no drunken barfights. just from dry air. how fucking lame is that? and it isn't even like gushing, and a whiney little trickle af blood. the point is, i feel so lame right now, that i can't even bleed cool.
also, i've got zero sg friends so at least i don't have to worry about anybody seeing this.
also, i've got zero sg friends so at least i don't have to worry about anybody seeing this.