What a 48 hours it's been. We hit the studio at noon saturday and I was there until 10 pm. We then returned today at 10am until about 6:30pm. The sessions have been filled with HUGE amounts of laughter and good natured fun (Ok, some serious shit talking). Luckily for me it's also been filled with some GREAT music.
We've completed all 6 drum tracks and 3 of the bass tracks (the new bass player is amazing!). Things are still completely on schedule and Peter (the resident engineer extradinaire) is making everything sound PHAT as hell. I can't wait to finish the bass tracks tomorrow and then I think we will start laying down some vocals. We'll track guitar and the rest of the vocals on tuesday then its 2 intensive days mixing.
Today was an extra special day as our favorite little drummer (el Mounstrito, as we call him) turned the big 21. He completed his drumm tracks right before kunch and the guys went out and bought him some funky tequilla to drink. He did and ended up passing out on the couch in the lounge for the rest of the session. Oh the young drinkers and htere lack of ability to do so (ok so maybe I'm a light wieght too). All in all this has been a great session so far and I can't wait to get back into the studio tomorrow morning! I hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did!
Peace, MUISC & 420
QOTD - Why is the sky blue?
answer - I have no idea.....
What a 48 hours it's been. We hit the studio at noon saturday and I was there until 10 pm. We then returned today at 10am until about 6:30pm. The sessions have been filled with HUGE amounts of laughter and good natured fun (Ok, some serious shit talking). Luckily for me it's also been filled with some GREAT music.

Today was an extra special day as our favorite little drummer (el Mounstrito, as we call him) turned the big 21. He completed his drumm tracks right before kunch and the guys went out and bought him some funky tequilla to drink. He did and ended up passing out on the couch in the lounge for the rest of the session. Oh the young drinkers and htere lack of ability to do so (ok so maybe I'm a light wieght too). All in all this has been a great session so far and I can't wait to get back into the studio tomorrow morning! I hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did!

Peace, MUISC & 420
QOTD - Why is the sky blue?
answer - I have no idea.....
studio shit talking is the best....it gets quite ugly sometimes.
unless you end up getting your ass kicked...then it sucks.....
sorry you cannot make the prom.
the cover is a bit high....i'm hoping cocaine and hookers will be included in the cost.
whuddya think???
; P