Let the relaxing sunday begin! (at 3 pm in the afternoon). Seeing as i finally crashed out at almost 5 and didnt get up until 2 now i can finally get my chill on. I had a really fun saturday night though. I went to see some friends play at a show in Downton SJ. Met up with the cute photographer girly i was flirting with earlier this week. And to top it all off I got my drink on! We partied at the club and then moved it a couple blocks over to a friends bar and kept going until 3. Then we laoded our buzzin asses into a taxi and cruised to a late night Denny's meal. I got my BBQ chicken grub on, got back to my car, went home and crashed the fuck out. I like nights like these.
The only down part of the night was at 2am i was gettin phone calls form a certain drunken EX (for a reason) wanting me to "come over". Well I ignored her and have to say I'm sure i got more enjoyment out of my BBQ chicken then if i had "come over". Enough said.
I also talked to the kid who was experienceing the ego problem issues with the band. He apologized to me for being a bit of a prick on wednsday night during pre-production rehersal and we talked very openly about his situation and I made sure he knew how important to this band I thought he was. I really love this kid and I hope he takes my sage old advice.
enjoy the sunday! (whats left of it)
peace, music & 420
QOTD - What's your drink of choice when you "get your drink on"?
answer - Ahhhhhhrrrrrrr Matey. It has to be my favorite pirate drink, Captain Morgan's and Coke. Sometimes I also mix in some vanilla stoli.

The only down part of the night was at 2am i was gettin phone calls form a certain drunken EX (for a reason) wanting me to "come over". Well I ignored her and have to say I'm sure i got more enjoyment out of my BBQ chicken then if i had "come over". Enough said.

I also talked to the kid who was experienceing the ego problem issues with the band. He apologized to me for being a bit of a prick on wednsday night during pre-production rehersal and we talked very openly about his situation and I made sure he knew how important to this band I thought he was. I really love this kid and I hope he takes my sage old advice.

enjoy the sunday! (whats left of it)
peace, music & 420
QOTD - What's your drink of choice when you "get your drink on"?
answer - Ahhhhhhrrrrrrr Matey. It has to be my favorite pirate drink, Captain Morgan's and Coke. Sometimes I also mix in some vanilla stoli.

It's been pointed out that I will drink ANYTHING that's available, but I enjoy a nice Jameson on the rocks....Miller High Life Bottles....Jim Beam Shots.....Vodka Collins...it depends on my mood I suppose, and the availability of my preferred liquor.
Can't hang with the Captain anymore....too many wrong turns with that guy.