Again i state, Oh what a difference a day makes. Thursday night's show was a dismal performance while being completely wrapped up in inner band turmoil. Well friday night was the polar opposite and the way it should always be. Great friends. Great Sound. Great performances. Great vibe. all this equals a great show. And it really could not have come at a BETTER time. Way to rock it boys, way to fuckin rock it. Hopefully we will get back to Alameda again so we can recapture that vibe.
I love saturdays and tonightis going to be a blast. One of my best buddies is in town fromSeattle and we are having our annual "boys only" poker night (the chicks all bounced to vegas for the weekend). Usually we have about 20 dudes, lots of booze, plenty of weed and a non stop stream of porn on the TV while loud music blares on the stereo. Ya, I know we are lame. But what the hell it's once a year, so we act lame
It's always a goodtime and I'm sure tonight will be no exception!
I think it's time for Mr.Green to jump on the "journal question" bandwagon and start my own little one. so here's question #1-
1. What CD(or tape or LP) is currently in your player/stereo/car stereo?
answer: The rockin and always amazing alaskan grown 36 crazyfists
peace, music & 420
I love saturdays and tonightis going to be a blast. One of my best buddies is in town fromSeattle and we are having our annual "boys only" poker night (the chicks all bounced to vegas for the weekend). Usually we have about 20 dudes, lots of booze, plenty of weed and a non stop stream of porn on the TV while loud music blares on the stereo. Ya, I know we are lame. But what the hell it's once a year, so we act lame

I think it's time for Mr.Green to jump on the "journal question" bandwagon and start my own little one. so here's question #1-
1. What CD(or tape or LP) is currently in your player/stereo/car stereo?
answer: The rockin and always amazing alaskan grown 36 crazyfists

peace, music & 420
bois nite sounds like fun!
Right now what is in my car CD player is Lil Kim..
How many licks does it take to get to the center.....
I like your new pic.
I think your boy's night sounds fun.
Catch 22 is in my car stereo at the moment. Salt is in my CD player at work (I'm a girl what can I say?) and Sublime is in my CD player at home.