I dig naps. lemme tell you.
I needed one after being out late last night with the boys (www.calledtoruin.com) who played show #5 to a packed home town crowd in downtown San Jo. What an amazing night. I mentioned on my last post that this project was goign to be a life/career changing event for all involved. Well i was right but i didnt think it was going to start so soon. a "friend of a friend" who is one of the largest promoters in the bay area came by to check out the guys show on my request. Good thing becasue the guys tore the stage up (minus some SERIOUS nerves.hehhe). The crowd was completely won over by theses guys and let them know between each song with some loud cheers. Sometimes i stand and watch them play and it almost seems sureal, like watching a movie.A Very trippy movie. hahaha. Anyways, the best part of the night was after they played and the promoter found me. He was beamin and said "they were outstanding and at times boardering on brilliant". I couldn't believe my fuckin ears. I told him it was only there 5th show and had only been playing together since november. That seemd to make him even more impressed. He said "lets do something" , smiled and shook my hand. I've never had a handshake ive enjoyed so much (except maybe that time i shook the hand of the chick that played Winnie cooper on that show ...whatever it was called). He continued to talk up each band member individually and gve them all huge confidence boosters. I really knew this project was gonna get rolling. I just didnt think it was gonna happen so soon.
Time to tighten the seat belt, i think the ride might start getting a little bumpy.
as my normal war comment, just go check out the war post's on the board linked off the home page. I speaks well of both sides and has some really smart comments and thought out opinions. I still think war sucks but i do understand more. be safe kiddies.
peace, music & 420
I needed one after being out late last night with the boys (www.calledtoruin.com) who played show #5 to a packed home town crowd in downtown San Jo. What an amazing night. I mentioned on my last post that this project was goign to be a life/career changing event for all involved. Well i was right but i didnt think it was going to start so soon. a "friend of a friend" who is one of the largest promoters in the bay area came by to check out the guys show on my request. Good thing becasue the guys tore the stage up (minus some SERIOUS nerves.hehhe). The crowd was completely won over by theses guys and let them know between each song with some loud cheers. Sometimes i stand and watch them play and it almost seems sureal, like watching a movie.A Very trippy movie. hahaha. Anyways, the best part of the night was after they played and the promoter found me. He was beamin and said "they were outstanding and at times boardering on brilliant". I couldn't believe my fuckin ears. I told him it was only there 5th show and had only been playing together since november. That seemd to make him even more impressed. He said "lets do something" , smiled and shook my hand. I've never had a handshake ive enjoyed so much (except maybe that time i shook the hand of the chick that played Winnie cooper on that show ...whatever it was called). He continued to talk up each band member individually and gve them all huge confidence boosters. I really knew this project was gonna get rolling. I just didnt think it was gonna happen so soon.

as my normal war comment, just go check out the war post's on the board linked off the home page. I speaks well of both sides and has some really smart comments and thought out opinions. I still think war sucks but i do understand more. be safe kiddies.
peace, music & 420

Yes, they're sexy but they piss me off. You should try one sometime, you'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
Thank you so much for your kind words, they have been much appreciated.