Just got home from work. Was a slow and boring night there, not one single exciting thing happened all night. They are calling for snow tomorrow morning, anywhere from 4-8 inches. This place gets crazy when it is supposed to snow, the entire area pretty much shuts down for anything more than a inch of snow.

The wife and I are thinking about taking a...
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I heart you.
Its noon. I guess its time for me to get out of bed and get on with my day. Bills and laundry await me, please don't be jealous.

Found out the other night that the artist that did my sleeve a couple of years is back in the area. He opened up his own shop recently in Va. If I can get together some money...
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Thank you, Goose!
No work today so that means its time to clean the apartment up and do some laundry. Pretty boring day, don't feel like going out. Our 3 year old nephew is coming to stay with us tomorrow night, that is always fun. He's so crazy......
Hey this might be a little late ... but thanks so much for the comment on my previous set! wink
I want to get a new tattoo but don't have the funds.....this really sucks
Happy V Day Mr. Goose.
thank you!! smile
So glad that its friday, do have to go in to work later but have the weekend off. This is my first full weekend off since before Thanksgiving. Working retail sucks! Plan on sleeping in late and drinking lots of beer and not doing much else this weekend. Do have to buy some groceries since we have very little to eat in the house. Paid...
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Pretty boring day, don't have to go in to work. Baking some cookies, doing a little laundry, nothing special. May watch "Hero" on DVD later. Other than that just sitting around waiting for the better half to get home so I can cook her some dinner.
Haven't been having much luck the past couple of days. First my car gets broken into, then I smash my thumb at work, and now I am coming down with a cold. I think I may head to bed before anything else bad can happen.
Today wasn't the best of days, walked out to my car this morning and found out that some one had busted out a window and ransacked the inside of my car. Ripped my radio right out of my dash. Its really starting to get to me, this is the 3rd time they have broken into my car in the past 8 months. Atleast I wasn't...
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kiss kiss kiss