I've seen The Love Boat a couple times but never really considered myself the cruisin' type. That is, until, my 90yo Gramma invited me and my little sisters to ride to Mexico on a giant boat with her. We went:
It was a little weird. Although I enjoyed spending time with my folks, there were some other people on the ship that I was not totally sure about. One night on the boat, in a desperate attempt to relate, I may have drank a bit too much whiskey.
Off the boat we saw a few beautiful places. Specifically, my favorite, the beaches of Puerto Vallarta and the jungles of the Sierra Madres. I could forget English there if I had the chance.
Although the experience left me with a gremlins-in-a-blender of a cough, a greater disdain for cafeteria food, and the yearn to learn to sail, we had a great time. Especially Gramma:
I don't know when the last time I saw her so happy was, and I don't know how long I may have the chance to see her so happy again.