So, after reading all the Harry Potter books for the second time I'm now on a new book for me, but not so new to the world. I will say that on a second reading Harry Potter is better than you first think and is really worth reading the second time through, this is mainly because you can see how they all inter relate as a series and pick up on things you missed the first time arround or did not see the relivance of or importance of first time round.
So I am now reading The Da Vinci Code, now everyone seems to say this is a great book, but somehow I am able to slate Dan Brown and pick fault and I'm only 115pages into the book out of 605. The story so far is disjointed, the time frames overlap and are not helped by his flitting between them. The story so far is intresting and I want to read more, however I find myself anoyed that just as you get into a scene and things build up you get switched to something totally different leaving it on a 'cliff-hanger' He does this too much and uses the 'cliff-hanger' effect so readily and clumbsily that he's flogging it to death. His aproach breaks the flow of the story to such a point you can't get totally emersed, it is so bad that I am on chapter 16 and I am only 116 pages into the book! In almost every other book, if not every other book, that I have read the scene is followed through untill the auther is done with it, if they have to switch scenes they will maybe do it only once in the scene, not 5 times! it's disjointing to an extreme. Now I can pick faults with Harry Potter, hell I've been known to do it many times, pointing out flaws in the urgancy of it, ect. BUT she knows how a story flows, you get into the scene, you become absorbed and you don't suddenly find yourself being kicked out of the book and the world the author is creating by a violent scene change that severs you in such a way that you are disorientated.
So, thats my rant about that, otherwise the story so far is good.
In other news about books, I bough Thud! by Terry Pratchett which is the latest Discworld novel. I love Discworld, the satire, the comedy and also the quality of the story itself makes them my favourite books, some are not as good as others, however he is a good writer and the stories themselves capture your attention, Some of my favs include Mort, Small Gods, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant, The Truth, Thief of Time and Night Watch. As soon as I've finished the Da Vinci Code I'll read that.
Finally, I decided to finally buy the first ablums by Interpol and Funeral For A Friend so I can give my brother his back, I enjoy the stylishness of the first Interpol Album and anjoy the briskness of the first Funeral For A Friend album, I would have got their second but it wasn't at the store I was in, also I'll have to listen to the newer Interpol Album to decide if I like that before buying it
So I am now reading The Da Vinci Code, now everyone seems to say this is a great book, but somehow I am able to slate Dan Brown and pick fault and I'm only 115pages into the book out of 605. The story so far is disjointed, the time frames overlap and are not helped by his flitting between them. The story so far is intresting and I want to read more, however I find myself anoyed that just as you get into a scene and things build up you get switched to something totally different leaving it on a 'cliff-hanger' He does this too much and uses the 'cliff-hanger' effect so readily and clumbsily that he's flogging it to death. His aproach breaks the flow of the story to such a point you can't get totally emersed, it is so bad that I am on chapter 16 and I am only 116 pages into the book! In almost every other book, if not every other book, that I have read the scene is followed through untill the auther is done with it, if they have to switch scenes they will maybe do it only once in the scene, not 5 times! it's disjointing to an extreme. Now I can pick faults with Harry Potter, hell I've been known to do it many times, pointing out flaws in the urgancy of it, ect. BUT she knows how a story flows, you get into the scene, you become absorbed and you don't suddenly find yourself being kicked out of the book and the world the author is creating by a violent scene change that severs you in such a way that you are disorientated.
So, thats my rant about that, otherwise the story so far is good.
In other news about books, I bough Thud! by Terry Pratchett which is the latest Discworld novel. I love Discworld, the satire, the comedy and also the quality of the story itself makes them my favourite books, some are not as good as others, however he is a good writer and the stories themselves capture your attention, Some of my favs include Mort, Small Gods, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant, The Truth, Thief of Time and Night Watch. As soon as I've finished the Da Vinci Code I'll read that.
Finally, I decided to finally buy the first ablums by Interpol and Funeral For A Friend so I can give my brother his back, I enjoy the stylishness of the first Interpol Album and anjoy the briskness of the first Funeral For A Friend album, I would have got their second but it wasn't at the store I was in, also I'll have to listen to the newer Interpol Album to decide if I like that before buying it
As for Harry Potter... I read the first two books,and then got bored half way through the third. I plan on going back to them at some point though.
I'm four chapters into Black Hawk Down now. I really like the style and the way it's written. I'm only reading it because it is on my reading list. But it's pretty good. Not something I would have picked out of choice, but sometimes that's the best way to find a book.
Have you read anything by Tom Robbins or John King? Human Punk and the Football Factory by the latter are amazing.
And as for Jessica Rabbit.. I dunno, she's kinda hot
Not read any of those books you mentioned or anything by those authors.
And yes, for a fictional animated charactor, she is... The only question is, what the hell does that Roger Rabbit have that no one else has, and does it work on other women?