updating for the sake of updating, my exciting weekend consisted of playing on the comp, watching TV, watching Dogma and watching The Prophacy.

Walken is sinister, love him in that, Dogma is just funny and brilliant.

W & G film is out today, will buy it tomorrow
hehe i did but i feel guilty about that blush
it was on there anyway but i don't want to look like i *asked for it*, which is why i didn't say anything smile

how are things anyway? x
Things are okay, and you didn't ask for it, you said you'd buy it, and I said, hell, why bother, I may as well just get it you. It's what I do, I'm highly random like that.
The Internet is for...

I thank you


No, I didn't make that video, but thats what I play, yes, that there is WoW, the most addictive game ever.
Took half a day from work because my arm is giving me trouble, I've got presure on a nerve which is doing strange things...

Other info that someone may like or be intrested in, durring my...
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mine was kinda easy, I learnt the girl I liked has a boyfriend, I played a bit on the computer and I generally didn't do much.
^ mine was similar. apart from there wasnt anyone I liked.
This is the first time in about 5 years when I have really had no crush. It's awesome.
so, I get into a relationship where things are great, then she leaves me, nothing to do with me apparently, all to do with her, too soon after her last relationship, so she's decided she doesn't want a new relationship with anyone for a good while yet.

However, as a responce, I played WoW, I had a friend buy the game me, now I'm addicted,...
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yeah it was good, I enjoyed it anyway... and it was called off as those I was going with couldn't go in the end.
ah, well glad you enjoyed it smile x
Okay so I haven't updated for a while, it's been kind of busy and I've not had too much to say.

Work is work, I've been out and about to the pics, saw Jarhead today. not much to report really, hence the lack of updates
my reason for now not posting so often is purely because of Shadow the Hedgehog. hehe

Jarhead, the film, it's okay, a bit odd and thats the best way to discribe it in total.

What's shadow the hedgehog?

[Edited on Jan 22, 2006 4:30PM]
Today I got something that has made a few people jealous, I got a Dalek! came through the post this morining from a friend as a christmas present. I'm thrilled with it, it's so cool
I'm jealous!!!
happy new year!
a little late, but the year is still youngxxx
Yeah that it is, and one day soon I'll have time to update, just too busy, lol...
Okay, last night was fun, but looks like I'll be drinking loads of other drinks like coke and cups of tea today to avoid a hangover.

It was said a while back about music you might think of as embarasing when you do those random MP3 lists, I know I have a few that could be seen that way, infact what's on my CD player...
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you get some sleep, and yay on compleating that essay (well, I assume you have)
haha yes! i think i slept for about 3 days, okay maybe slight exageration, after i posted that comment

I've been thinking, Hours by Funeral For A Friend is a good album, yet people are making out that its some how the best thing yet, but I can't help but feel their first album Casually Dressed & Deep in Conversation is a better and stronger album, for one thing it has alot more impact.

I decided to re-install BloodRayne, it's a fun game, but...
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oh god no! drunk updating is awful... I always say really retarded stuff (more so than usual)... I actually make an active effort to stay awake from the internet when I'm drunk... have you seen HP yet?
Oh it's great!
I haven't seen it, yet I want to, my problem is all my friends are too retarded to get to the point where they will go, my friends are a nightmare.
Okay, since saturday I watched Sigur Ros live, they were just amazing, the power of the music and the emotion it was just intense, they have the ability not to just play an instroment but to push it to the limits. Watching Jonsi play his guitar wth a bow is a sight that must be seen, they are so obsessed with music and the sound...
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oh.. i can't afford to spend any money either.. i have totally gone stone cold broke. i guess it might encourage me to stay in and do some work confused

(i used to use Stay Beautiful as a sign off for everything.. haven't used it in a while so....)...

stay beautiful wink
yeah, I used to use it alot, now I tend to just have this as my sig

Between the billboard masturbation
Across highways of metallic isolation
There lies the deafening screaming of the millions
Wiping out the diseased pages of apathy that bleed our innocence...
Okay, because I was asked to do this...

A): Step 1: Open your MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Write down the first 20 songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 4: Add what each song makes you think of after you type the list of songs.

1, Sigur Ros - Duet
Its a live track, simple...
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damn! why did nobody else have embarressing songs like Busted?! I can't believe out of like... 2000 odd songs, busted came out twice. hehe smile

Sorry, imbeing damn slow with replying at the moment - i also have a "pile" of emails, about 30 unopened... argh... although it's a great excuse not to do work - my tutor got a little pissed off with me about my lack of progress on the dissertation on monday! damn.

I can cope with SOME internet slang... hehe. (it's only really LOL and K that bug me smile)
I use btw, kk, lol (but when I type it, I'm normally grinning or laughing, so I actually mean it) ffs, wft, afk, brb, and I know limited 1337 speak, Counter Strike is all to blame, it's commonly known as the game of evil, infact, it's so evil it's ebil.
I hate Boarders, it's so close, and while it was raining heavily and was cold, I nipped in to wait out the worst of the rain, however, I bought Equilibrium, Gattaca and three other DVD's while I waited, then when I went to the cash point I was slightly confused by my recept, it's not too clear and I'm either in the black, or I'm...
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I haven't seen Equilibrium yet, but hasn't it got Christian Bale in it? I've got to see it sometime!
Yeah, he's in it, the film would be kind of poor normally, the plot is nothing special, the story is a rehash of old ideas, the action is standard.

But, the film is quite good, the story works and you are drawn into it and have to watch to the end. The main reason is Bale, he holds it together, his acting is topnotch as ever.

It has to be said, if I was doing a film, I wouldn't cast him, because I'd want to do a film with great hardworking actors that are solid, but wouldn't detract from each other, or the story, because it would be a film with a good few key/main charactors. If I was to do a film with only one main charactor, with a story driven by him and wrapped arround him, then I would cast Bale, he's perfect in those roles, and I don't think he'd be good as a suporting actor, or as one who has to share the front spot, only because he'd out act them and be too good, he's a large charactor, he is suited to lead roles and deserves them.
So, today I bought Battlefront 2, bugger me is it hard in places, good fun though.
Everything else is going well, I feel happy and content in my life again, you just have to make that decision and move on.

I keep buying stuff, something I should try to curb, I mean,m today I was just buying that one game, I came home with that,...
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haha, well, so far it looks like the housemate might have fled the country! nah, im sure he'll come back, and when he does come back he is going to be returning to 6 very angry housemates.

Hope he didn't take anything valuable, and by that I mean something with alot of personal value to it
Maybe I should start with the other news first.
I bought Star Wars Episode 3 on DVD, not as good as Batman Begins, but is great when Anakin becomes Vader and everything moves against the Jedi, the film could be so much better though.

I've also moved back to full rock, this means, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Rammstein and Holy Bible Manics, this all relates...
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I am going through a similar thing right now, too.
I had sort of lost myself because of some shit that happened.
I won't go into details, but on tuesday I decided it was about time i did smething productive in the direction of fixing my life. Hopefully it will work out.

Glad things are looking up for you smile
Yeah, things are, I've regained perspective and constant music works wonders. I did a brief retreat and have left some things that I felt weren't constructive to who I am and want to be.
LOL, now I am totally reminded of Placebo

All it takes is one decision
A lot of guts, a little vision to wave
Your worries and cares

Odd how I always forget how much that single verse makes me smile and is just 'so right' untill I start pulling out of a potential crash.

There are things I want in life, the only way I am going to get them is by being who I truely am and not falling down into the trap laid by being male, there is this whole male bullshit aswell as the macho crap that you kind of fall into if you are not careful.
Actually, the only male aspect about me that I like is the fact I was brought up to be a Gentleman, which basically means knowing the right way to treat people, kindness, curtisy, politeness (as well as looking dapper in a suit, lol) everything else I rebel against, how else should I be? We have to strive to break our bondgae and the fight is what makes us and lets us be better people and fill our potential in any situation.
That whole thing applies to everything.

I see it around me
I see it in everything
I could be so much
More than this
I said my goodbye's
This is my sundown
I'm gonna be so much
More than this
With one hand high
You'll show them your progress
You'll take your time
But no one cares
No one cares
I need you to show me
The way from crazy
I wanna be so much
More than this
With one hand high
You'll show them your progress
You'll take your time
But no one cares
With one hand high
You'll show them your progress
You'll take your time
But no one cares
No one cares
I could be so much
More than this
No one cares
I wanna be so much
More than this
No one cares
I could be so much
More than this
No one cares
I wanna be so much
More than this
No one cares
I wanna be so much
More than this
No one cares
I wanna be so much
More than this
Good goodbye lovely time
Good goodbye tin sunshine
Good goodbye
I'll be fine
Good goodbye
Good goodnight