What up?!?
It is good to be home that's what! LOL Hawaii was beautiful but the sailing inbetween was long and at times frustrating. Nevertheless we survived being in the middle of the Pacific when the Earthquake hit Japan and sent a Tsunami towards the west coasts of Canada/the States & we survived our ship literally falling apart!
Sailing to and from Hawaii...

Had some fun along the way..

Met some other ships...

Then finally arrived in Oahu..

Caused a rucus..

Dove with some sharks...

Spent the day at the USS Missourri

Got some new Ink...

Don't goto the tattoo parlour intoxicated or you'l wake up with one of these & $200 missing out of your wallet...

Then it was time to go home...not going to miss these...

But will miss these...

First things first when you get back home from a 2 month deployment....new ink!

It is good to be home that's what! LOL Hawaii was beautiful but the sailing inbetween was long and at times frustrating. Nevertheless we survived being in the middle of the Pacific when the Earthquake hit Japan and sent a Tsunami towards the west coasts of Canada/the States & we survived our ship literally falling apart!
Sailing to and from Hawaii...

Had some fun along the way..

Met some other ships...

Then finally arrived in Oahu..

Caused a rucus..

Dove with some sharks...

Spent the day at the USS Missourri

Got some new Ink...

Don't goto the tattoo parlour intoxicated or you'l wake up with one of these & $200 missing out of your wallet...

Then it was time to go home...not going to miss these...

But will miss these...

First things first when you get back home from a 2 month deployment....new ink!