I went the gym today. Been working out and trying to get into better shape. I'm not really trying to lose weight, just be fit. You see, it gets hard chasing around this little boy who will be three next month. He keeps growing and before long, or so it seems, he's going to be bigger than me. But tonight's workout got me thinking. I'm not a very big guy. I'm underweight and incredibly lean. I've more than accepted some time ago that I am not the biggest dog in the yard. I've been content with my size. Not all girls are in to big, beefy hunks. But there is one aspect of my size I do not like. My son will never look at me and think I am the strongest guy alive. He won't think I'm Superman or that I can beat up the other dads at school. He will see me for what I am; physically weak. Now, knowing that I can't lead my son on some childhood farce that I am Hercules reborn, I will show my son that my strongest muscle is my heart. I hope he can appreciate that love, dedication, and passion can be a great equalizer in life and can endure at times when physical strength can fail. I hope he can see it and appreciate it as much as the other children appreciate thier dads holding them in one hand over his head.
that is very sweet. You sound like a great father.
thank you. some times i get a little critical of my parenting. i have my doubts, but i think all parents should. it helps push us to be better parents.