- on lavana's page
- on sparrowlegs's page
- on omorfia's page
- on 1st Word That Comes to Mind in silliness
- on giupsycancer's page
- on mredd6281's post on gaia's page
Why do we do the things we do?
Do we live in fear and not follow our own hearts out of necessity of others?
Why is being selfish looked down upon?
The only person we can truly make happy is ourselves.
Others may not like our train of thought, but who are they to judge?
We live our lives to our own fulfillment.
Advice is...
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I don't know why I just don't feel like i'm good enough for anyone or anything. This makes dating totally suck when you are me.
This girl that I have spent a lot of time with the past 2 weekends is just amazing and a total beauty. I feel that she is outta my league even tho she has been completely honest with me. I...
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I had another great weekend. Had another wedding this weekend. However, no date this time. My son went with me. We had a blast. The girl that I went on an all weekend date with last weekend was there so I quickly found myself in an impromptu 2nd date.
I did have my son, and to transfer into the adult world, I needed a babysitter....
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During my short time actually using this site to mingle and not just drool over sexy pictures of gals I have met some cool people. I'm gunna shout out those people who I find just awesome!
There are more but these are generally the people who I have had meaningful conversations with!
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So, it has come to my attention that this should happen. Most people don't really know me yet but I get ideas and run with them. This idea is not fully mine tho. I got the idea from a comment by @moregraffiti on @zely blog post. I think with the help of the Suicide Girls world we could make this happen. I mean this site...
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