Girls, boys, big, small, up down left right. i'll find the son of a gun! sturdier ladders get you places faster. touchdown! eat small, think big. Throw up. Relax, Run FASTER. Eat at Moe's. Going out. In. Out. In Out. In Out. Fuck you! NO FUCK YOU! ... ... ... use grammar correctly. spell check often. Eat pistachios. Smoke pot. Smoke cigarettes. Smoke Crack. Vote! Vote Republican! Vote Democrat! Sear on both sides for four minutes apiece of medium heat, add salt and serve. Grinders. Whippets. Lassoes. TRUTH! JUSTICE! TRUTH! JUSTICE! TRUTH! JUSTICE! good god. puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff. Zebra. Molasses. Ice Cream. Ikea. Macaroni and Cheese. Brown gunk on your shoe. Winston tastes good like a cigarette should! Hopeless. Feint! Faint! Paint! Saint! hallelujah, thank god for pet poop laws. Read the sign, cross the street, obey the officer. Times up. Eat more veal, eat less more veal. Shoot to kill, less its a super soaker. Everybody knows. Nobody knows. Fuck them. Him too. and her. a-yup. Mainer, New Yorker, New Hampshirerer? Penis. Vagina. Penis. Vagina. SNAP TOO, LOOK SHARP, this IS NOT RECESS. Let's have a drink. KILLL KILLL KILLL. Group 23 Bench. I like girls who can afford to buy Abercrombie and fitch. Snowcones. no, Sno-Cones. Pshh. like you know. hide! seek! hide! Seek! Be nice to your brother. Eat your vegetables. Snow. Rain. Sleet. Hail. Mail's late. Of course. Pork Pie Hat. Pork Pie Pizza. raz-ma-taz. jazz hands. Sherman Helmsley RIP / Cocaine / Pain / Freedom/ Free DOME / Free Dom to a nice Sub home / idiots are people 2! Return of Jafar. 10-21-12
Air your grievances with the lady at the register.
Air your grievances with the lady at the register.
hello local duder.