Guys and girls, I need your help!
I'm going to a Geek Chic party tomorrow night and need to sort out what I'm wearing.
I was thinking of a Superman T-shirt under a white shirt, but I'm not sure that's "enough".
Asked someone at work who suggested a shirt, bow tie, tank top sweater and some brown pants.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received, photos will follow!
May your day be filled with rainbows and cupcakes xx
I'm going to a Geek Chic party tomorrow night and need to sort out what I'm wearing.
I was thinking of a Superman T-shirt under a white shirt, but I'm not sure that's "enough".
Asked someone at work who suggested a shirt, bow tie, tank top sweater and some brown pants.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received, photos will follow!
May your day be filled with rainbows and cupcakes xx
Ironically, I think I'll probably wear this stuff on a regular basis.
Pics to follow
Hope you're having a good day
I really appreciate all your time and love xoxo