Just saw the Suicide Girls Guide to Living. Very interesting. A lot better than the Italian villa dvd. The soundtrack was also pretty good.

Speaking of music, The Weeknd has two free mixtapes available for download on their website. Definitely worth checking it out!

So-to-be new boss is coming to town. Wife is still pregnant and bitchy. And I still have homework to finish!

The boss is something else! She wasted a lot of time on insignificant things, and doesn't have a real grasp on how things work in a different climate and culture.

Wife is acting like a sour patch kid... one with extra sourness on it!...
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I would use this space to vent about this clown at work who likes being difficult, but instead, I will not give that jackass any more attention. May he be transferred as soon as possible!
Horrible Bosses is hilarious! Another film that brings simple characters that almost anyone can relate to, and puts them in a highly unusual situations! Surely a must see!

About to go meet up with a friend from FL! Should be a good time.biggrin

This guy tells God he wants a bridge from LA to Hawaii. God says, Do you have any idea how much natural resources it will take to do that? The guy relents and then says he would rather that all men be able to understand women. God paused and then asked "You want two lanes or four?"biggrin
Arguments about nothing suck... Word of advice to anyone who may read this: don't ramble on about your point or why you're pissed. Sheesh... Like I have an hour and a half to listen to you bitch and complain! mad
Yeah that is not cathardic bitching. That is being a tool.
Ugh. Work, school, and famiy! Super busy, and hardly enough time to socialize on SG! I hope I can get away and kick it with the local SG members sometime soon.whatever
Take care you!
Thanks Kay!
Penny's birthday is Saturday! WOO HOOOOO!!! Wet & Wild!!!

Good workout at the gym, good experience with the random DUI stop. All in all, today was ok!biggrin
Ugh! Writer's block like a mofo! Paper due Friday, and I'm struggling again! I got an A in the class and all, but damn!

Military + Father + Husband + Student = Hella busy! Oh well, maybe tomorrow will be better!
biggrinSoo, I deploy in April.... There's a lot on my "to do" list between now and then!