I may have discovered a new interest in life--girl's volleyball. Waiting in the airport in Reno, I was sitting on the floor listening to my ipod when a couple of teams came to wait at my gate. Most of the girls had put sweats on but some were still wearing the shorts they had played in. God bless whoever designed those shorts. I have never considered myself an assman, but I have to admit my inner assman was dying to get out. I imagined squeezing through the crowd, brushing against them like a salmon swimming upstream tearing it's flesh on the rocks. A lot of those girls were tall, and quite fit. That many of them could have kicked my ass had I attempted any such nonsense probably only added to their appeal. If any of you hear of a man being escorted from a women's volleyball tournament for lying on the floor along the sidelines you'll know I've acted on some sick impulse that deveoped just this past weekend.
yes maybe. But I'm not surtain yet, But hopefully i will

Damnit. Next time I'll make sure to catch up!