I had completely forgotten, I've got a guest coming. We call her the Hillbilly. Although most of my family is from the South, I can only understand half the stuff that comes out of her mouth her accent is so heavy. She's very beautiful, like a young Vanessa Williams, and it's funny as hell to watch people's reactions when we're out. The minute she opens her mouth their expressions change to shock and confusion. People who haven't met her accuse me of exageration, but when they finally meet her everyone agrees she should have subtitles across her chest. I got the call last night, "you best be ready for some shits n'giggles 'cause I'm comin' on Tuesday". It will be an interesting two weeks.
Im a southerner too, with a slight accent. which is funny, because I can sometimes sound northern when I pronounce me "a's" lol, so I gotta little bit a both 

I have dinner with soem former bosses on Sunday.