Yesterday I had a complete alzheimer's moment. It was very bizarre.
This is Jack. I gave him to my mother and I think she now loves him more then me and my two brothers. As my parents ar now retired and spend a lot of time travelling, Jack spends a lot of time staying with me. I've grown quite attached to him as he really is quite a cool, smart and loving little guy. I'm not really supposed to have pets where I live and the woman downstairs is a pain in my ass I tend to keep him with me, taking him along as I run errands and such. Yesterday I was crazy running all over the place and put Jack in and out of the car maybe 20 times. At one point I came out of a store and as I approached the car I found it unlocked and Jack was gone. My heart sank. Someone had kidnapped Jack! In the store the an obnoxous little girl told me she had just got a new dog and was abruptly shushed by her mother when she saw me pull a dog toy out of my basket. Right after I realized he was missing the little girl and mother came out of the store looked in my direction and ran the other direction and got ina car. I was sure they had grabbed Jack. I ran after them but they got away. I memorized the license plate and went into the store to write it down and inquire if anyone saw anything. I told the manager what had happened, I might have mentioned something about amber alerts and Jack's picture on a milk carton. As the manager started talking about calling the police I bega to get a strange feeling that maybe Jack was at my apartment. I said I would call the police from home and sure enough, there he was. I guess I'd stopped home to pick something up and figured I'd be so quick I'd just leave him there, but I was so used to taking him with me I had completely spaced.
An update on yesterday's entry. There's no more room on my ark,but we'll have a great time riding out the flood.

This is Jack. I gave him to my mother and I think she now loves him more then me and my two brothers. As my parents ar now retired and spend a lot of time travelling, Jack spends a lot of time staying with me. I've grown quite attached to him as he really is quite a cool, smart and loving little guy. I'm not really supposed to have pets where I live and the woman downstairs is a pain in my ass I tend to keep him with me, taking him along as I run errands and such. Yesterday I was crazy running all over the place and put Jack in and out of the car maybe 20 times. At one point I came out of a store and as I approached the car I found it unlocked and Jack was gone. My heart sank. Someone had kidnapped Jack! In the store the an obnoxous little girl told me she had just got a new dog and was abruptly shushed by her mother when she saw me pull a dog toy out of my basket. Right after I realized he was missing the little girl and mother came out of the store looked in my direction and ran the other direction and got ina car. I was sure they had grabbed Jack. I ran after them but they got away. I memorized the license plate and went into the store to write it down and inquire if anyone saw anything. I told the manager what had happened, I might have mentioned something about amber alerts and Jack's picture on a milk carton. As the manager started talking about calling the police I bega to get a strange feeling that maybe Jack was at my apartment. I said I would call the police from home and sure enough, there he was. I guess I'd stopped home to pick something up and figured I'd be so quick I'd just leave him there, but I was so used to taking him with me I had completely spaced.
An update on yesterday's entry. There's no more room on my ark,but we'll have a great time riding out the flood.
I wish you could live vicariously through me for real...just take ALL the PAIN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Just kidding...well kinda, i really do want the pain to die. Pain killers kind of sort of work for now. I am going to go out with the boy tomorrow. We are going to see my new (as in since yesterday) favorite band play. I am so so so excited! I am going to get overdressed so I feel pretty. I feel very mortal now, due to my situation. I figure I should seize the day, CARPE DIEM! As a result I am going to wear a strapless black sparkly dress with a red feather boa and red stillettoes. I've had the dress since I was 16, I have worn it, like a million times. It is a classic! God, I am such a dork. With red lipstick. The guy is going to die! Hm, maybe I should wear something else... Okay, right anyway I am thrilled. I think I am getting used to the pain, kind of. I am learning to deal with it so I am not pissed off about it all the time. It's hard. It's frustrating when you want to act young, but need to be in bed instead.
How's Jack???

just checked out that link. the site was down for maintenance, but i'll look tomorrow. by the way, do you spend any time in new york? where are your favorite places-- bars/ clubs/ pubs/ venues/ restaurants....